Book One

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Part One

My whole life was based on being a warrior. Cybertron has taught me all of that. My name is Bumblebee. I was a scout for Team Prime until 6 years ago, while the team and I were restoring Cybertron, Optimus Prime, my good friend and leader, sacrificed himself for our planet.

I miss him. Everyday. Sometimes I feel like I can still hear his voice in my audio receptors. I'm probably just hallucinating​, as humans say it.

I don't know. But I feel like I'm not. And my adopted daughter can agree.

Her name is Hunteress. Hunteress Pax. Named after my oldest friend and taking the last name of Optimus' old name, Orion Pax.

She has grown to me too well and its like she's not even my adopted daughter but literally biologically.

She too has been hallucinating as well. Only hearing whispers in her audio receptors that sounded like her dead carrier and sire. She's not sure either but we've been keeping up with this issue and hopefully it will lead to something.


"Cadet. Everything okay?"

"Yes, sir. The department is sort of busy. I had to get out of there!"

I chuckled softly before hearing a familiar and adorable voice behind me.


"Hey, Hunter! Ready for your first takedown today?"

The adorable bright red youngling with glowing blue audio receptors, pink optics, and a glowing blue battle reaper, stood grinning in my face before she nodded.

"I sure am! This is going to be awesom-sorry, serious mode."

She corrected herself before I laughed.

"Its okay, sweetie. I'm glad you're happy about this. I do want to warn you, you will be facing some of the most wanted fugitives in all of Cybertron. Are you up for it?"

"Dad, I'm 13 light years old. I think I can handle it."

I smiled before Cadette Strongarm, Junior Cadette Hunteress, and I prepared for our first takedown.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2019 ⏰

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