"Hesitating love"

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It was just another Saturday afternoon. Santana was kinda bored, so she called her friend Brittany to see if she had any plans. "Hey Britt." said Santana. "Hi Santana! How are you?" asked Brittany. "I'm fine. Just a little bored." replied Santana. "Well I'm going to Breadstix..do you wanna come?" asked Brittany. "Sure!" answered Santana. "Okay see you there at nine." said Brittany. "Okay see you hun!" replied Santana.

It was already nine o'clock when Quinn called Santana. "Hey Santana!" said the sweet voice across the line. "Hey Q! How are you?" asked Santana. "Good..I'm good..well there's a problem" said Quinn. "What's wrong?" asked Santana. "Rachel just got back from her mother and she's kinda tired, so we won't be able to come." explained Quinn. "Quinn, I hope it's not just a lame excuse so you guys can enloy lady parts, right?" asked Santana in a playful way. "No, she's really tired. But who knows this may help.." said Quinn while giggling. "Haha okay hun! Have fun! Send my love to Rach!" said Santana. "Okay..see you on Monday!" replied Quinn. "Goodnight!" "Goodnight!" said the two girls and hung the phone up. "Santana! Brittany's here!" it was Santana's mother talking from downstairs. "I'm coming mum!" said Santana and rushed to get downstairs. "Hey Santana!" "Hey Britt!" said the two girls and kissed each other. "Shall we go?" asked Brittany. "We shall." replied Santana. The two girls got out of Santana's house and started their way to Breadstix. "Oh I almost forgot!" said Santana. "What?" asked Brittany. "Quinn is not coming. Rachel is back from her mum and she's "tired" or at least that's what she told me. Haha!" explained Santana. "Aww! That's really sweet! Q missed her girl!" said Brittany. "Yeah..it's really sweet." replied Santana. "So I guess it's gonna be you and me, right?" asked Brittany. "Yeah. I guess. Is there a problem?" replied Santana. "No..not at all." said Brittany. "It's just..you know..people is mean and seeing two girls being hot as hell, going out together..they may misunderstand..haha" said Brittany in a playful yet worried way. "Haha...hot as hell...that's funny. Well..none of their bussines, as Lady Hummel would say." replied Santana. "Right." said Brittany taking Santana's hand and keep going on her way, while Santana was kinda surprised by the move that Brittany did. "Is it okay if I hold your hand while walking? I kinda feel more safe this way." said Brittany while looking at Santana. "N-No..not a problem." said Santana trying to take her eyes off of Brittany who was now giggling. "So..." said Brittany. "So..what?" asked Santana. "Well..I heard that you and Puck are dating. Is that true?" asked Brittany. "We were together for a short period of time, but you know..he wasn't my person." said Santana. "Yeah I know. It's difficult to find your person between all these people. Sometimes I get jealous at Q and Rach. They both found their person, and the best part is that they're okay with that and they don't care what anybody thinks!" said Brittany. "Yeah..it's really wonderful how they both are completed with each other!" replied Santana. The two girls were at Breadstix. "Do you want to seat here?" asked Santana. "It's okay by me." answered Brittany. "Um..excuse me could we order?" asked Santana the waiter. After the two girls ordered an awkward silence was spread between them. "Can I ask you something?" said Brittany. "Sure!" replied Santana. "Well...I was wondering if you would like to come with to the movies tomorrow evening." said Brittany. "Um..you mean you and me..like alone?" asked Santana. "Yeah. Is there a problem?" asked Brittany. "No, I'd love to go to the movies with you tomorrow evening." said Santana and a huge smile appeared on the two girls' faces.

When their dinner was over, it was rime for the two girls to finally go home. "I had a great time tonight!" said Brittany. "Me too. It was really fun." said Santana. "So see you tomorrow at the movies. Okay?" asked Brittany. "Yeah. Tomorrow, at the movies." agreed Santana. "Goodnight." said Brittany. "Goodnight." said Santana. Before she left, Brittany kissed Santana softly. And to her it felt fine. When Santana got into her house, she ran upstairs, grabbed her phone and called Quinn. "Quinn? Hi. It's Santana." she said. "Oh. Hi Santana!" said Quinn. "Is something wrong?" added she. "Well you could put it that way!" said Santana. "Could it wait till Monday? Cause I'm kinda bussy right now." said Quinn kinda embarrassed. "Who is it baby?" It was Rachel's voice coming probably from the bedroom. "It's Santana babe. She sends her love." said Quinn. "Aww..I love her too..I will see her on Monday." said Rachel. "You heard her?" asked Quinn "I did." amswered Santana. "Where is she?" asked Santana. "Oh she is in the bedroom and I'm in the living room." replied Quinn. "Haha..okay..I get it. I'll see you guys on Mondey." said Santana. "Okay hun! Goodnight!" said Quinn. "Goodnight!" replied Santana. It was almost three AM and Santana couldn't sleep. She was thinking of what happened earlier. She was kinda confused. It was the first time, that a girl kissed her, and the truth is that she didn't actually know how to react. She wasn't sure if she even should go to the movies with her the next day. But it wouldn't be nice if she just cancel it. She had no choice. Brittany was her best friend, she didn't want to hurt her. And she wouldn't.

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