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MP: So this is Hopes peak acadamy huh.

MP looks at the building in front of the gate. As chosen by hopes peak He was now the ultimate scifi writer and it was a huge honor to be in the most prestigious school. But more importantly begin his new life here.

....: excuse me are you MP?

MP: huh?

He then turns to see a women in a blue dress with a white apron, she also had orange hair.

MP: umm yes that's me.

....:good follow me and also my is yukizome chisa

MP then follows this

MP then follows this women.

A 15 minutes later

MP and chisa made it to the headmasters office.

Chisa: goodluck.
She then walks away

As for MP he was now standing in front of the door of the headmaster of hopes peak. He then knocks on the door, then he heard a faint sound of someone saying; 'come in'. Then he opens the door to see the headmaster sitting at his desk.

Mr.Kirigiri: Good afternoon Mr.M, how are you today?

MP: Umm i'm doing fine sir.

Mr.Kirigiri: Okay then I see that your a writer of the science fiction genre. And that you are currently 19 is that correct?

MP: Yes sir.

Mr.Kirigiri: Alright then I shall get someone to show you a tour around the school, oh and also here your key to your dorm room.

He gives MP a key to his dorm room.

MP: Thank you

Mr.Kirigiri: By the way welcome to hopes peak 'Ultimate Sci-fi writer'.

MP: Thank you.

MP then walks out of the headmaster office and go to his dorm room. But what he doesn't know is that from a far distance someone was watching him, then vanished.

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