The Hybrid and The Heiress

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“Some people might say that love is merely an idea, an illusion. That can grasp men and women and haul them away from their grip on reality. Others can say it’s the most cherished thing on the face of the world. But the story I want to tell you is true, because it happened to me. I loved, I cherished...and I lost.”




[Aedan’s P.O.V]

The world I lived in was magical. I was always thought that magic was everywhere you looked, whether it is in the forest where the fairies and sprites danced, or the simple magic of life beginning again after a harsh winter. But besides all of that, nothing was more magical than love. My story starts back in my youth, were I seemed to take everything in my stride. And now, although I may be an old man, I can still remember her face, as if she stood right here in front of me...

The streets of CoillEas were lined with houses made with houses built with wood and stones, all of them facing on to the cobble stone street leading to the Forest of Lost Souls. People were never seen there, either from the stories they heard about how the dead still roam there or the eerie look given off from the fog and mist that surrounds the trees from winter to summer. Those who were brave, or stupid, enough to go into the woods alone were never seen again.

The city itself though was a marvel to behold. With the Palace walls lining the horizon, the morning sun wrapped its rays around the walls, having beams shoot brightly down to the streets. To many people it was home. To the nearby waterfall, it was a journey up a rocky hill, through dense brush and finally a scale up some granite rocks. To view from the top was worth all the effort, and this is where Aedan, the hero of our story, takes his final leap of faith.

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