The Force of Magic (Cosentino story) edited

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Okay people yes this is my first story on here

I do not own any songs tricks or people such as Cosentino and co so please do not yell at me XD

Saphira in the pic on the right image eyeliner and blues strips going through her hair 

 Okay I now have a great person helpign me she is editing all of my chapters so a great deal of thanks and gratatuide to miss missy_music_ for her completly and totally awesome editing skills of epicness.

Chapter 1

“Please! Pretty please! My father promises that he’ll let you use the theater stage when it’s empty after every show if you’ll help set up. He says he’ll pay you and you get to see the shows for free, well at least the ones you help set up for.”

  My best friend Sage is currently trying to convince me that she and her father need my help for the upcoming shows, apparently some big time magician, well, technically an illusionist is coming to perform. I think I’ve heard of him before, he was on the TV show ‘Australia’s Got Talent’ and I will admit he is very good, however, I’m a little cautious of his personality. But then again I’ve never met him. I come back from zoning out in my thoughts to hear Sage calling my name.

  “Saphira? Saphira! SAPHIRA!!!”

“Okay, okay, I heard you” I say

She gives me a look and crosses her arms and kind of glares in a doubtful way then asks, “Okay then, what did I just say?”

 I wince. “Fine, I wasn’t listening, I’m sorry. What did you say?”

She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose.

“As I was saying,” she continues, “This way you will get to practice a bit. Mind you, when are you going to go and try out for one of the talent shows? I mean, you have such a great voice, I just don’t see why you won’t go and audition!”

  I glare at her.

“You know why.” I say to her.

She glares back. “But you can’t let her control your life, no matter what your father’s will says!” she tells me.

“I know, but I will follow my father’s last wish and that was for me and my stepmother to still be a very close family, even after he is gone and even if she and my step sister are from hell,” I say right back to her.

“But...” she starts.

“No!”  I exclaim.


“I said no! Now drop it.”

“Fine.” she huffs.

“Anyway,” I say to her, “I guess you are right, I really would like to practice a bit and it would be nice to be able to go and see a free show when I want. I think it would be entertaining to see how this turns out. So yes, I will work with your father’s crew to help set up for the shows.”

Sage smiles at me. “Thank you, thank you, you’re a life saver.”

“Why was your father so keen on getting me to help out anyway? I mean couldn’t he have just hired some more workers rather than try and get you to beg me into helping out?“

“Weeeeellll…” she says. “The next performer is an illusionist or magician so, since he knew that you used to like doing magic tricks for your father when he was sick, he thought it would be a good idea for you to help set up the show. He thought that you might also know a bit more about magic then the others, so in a way you’re like the supervisor of the show set up!” She smiles widely at me.

  I could feel my left eye twitching in response to this answer.

“Oh, is that so? How did he come by this particular information? Cause I certainly don’t remember telling him about that, nor do I remember ever doing any of my magic tricks around him.”

  She starts fidgeting, before smiling sheepishly up at me, and beginning to tap her fingers together.

“I may have let it slip when he mentioned that the person performing did magic or illusions and I remembered you suddenly and well, it just kind of came out.”

 She looks at me nervously like she wasn’t certain if she should say sorry or run for the hills while she still could.

I sigh. I couldn’t stay mad at Sage for long, even if I wanted to.

 I turn and look at her. “Tell me again why I’m friends with you?” I chuckle.

Her face brightens and she replies, “Cause all the other kids in school thought you were too weird and I just thought that you were cool and plus I’m the only other crazy person there! We crazies have to stick together!”

I face-palm. Yep that was Sage all right! I sigh again. “Fine, fine, fine.”

I’m probably going to regret this later but I reluctantly ask, “When do I need to be here?”

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