✧ introduction

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This is an interactive story in which 35 people can submit a warrior or apprentice to be a part of the Clan.

But 7 of these cats are traitors whose hearts are set on destroying the Clan, and nobody knows who they are. There will also be 3 turnpelts, cats who start off as innocent but will gradually believe in the "no more clan" idea and turn into traitors.

You won't know if your own cat is traitor or innocent when you sign up. Hidden ranks will be assigned with a number generator, and only August the admin (and snow) will know who is who.

At the end of every chapter (Day), everyone has to vote for who to exile from the Clan. You may have to exile your own cat, if you think they are a traitor.

The game will begin when all 35 spots have been filled, and the first day will consist of Hawthornstar holding a Clan meeting to discuss a recently occurred murder. He will observe every cat, then voting begins.

Hawthornstar himself has no power in the game. His job is to exile the cat with the most votes at the end of each day, and observe the rest of the Clan.

However, the Clan deputy and medicine cat have powers.

The Clan deputy can investigate one cat every day and learn their allegiance, and the medicine cat can protect one cat to prevent them from being killed.

But they won't know if they are protecting or investigating traitors or innocents.

As a reader, you have no choice what happens with your cat. All you can do is vote on who to exile at the end of each chapter, and let the story do the rest.

Sign ups are next chapter, so go and submit your cat!

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