Confused love Part1

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Today was the weridest of all fort days back at school. You and your crush (C/N) were in all classes in every subject, and at the same table with four more other people. Your crush never really liked you from the years that have past so very quickly. But this year was going to change, this year you where going to change how he looked at you and saw you. 

When you got to class and found your table, you noticed that you were the only girl at the table. You didn't really know all these boys around you, but you knew two. One was obviously your crush, the love of your life, Your dream come true, your f-. *Kicks Author Sama on th arm* Sorry...  (C/N). And the over boy you knew was his best friend, (C/B/N) th same age as you tall and super funny. When your whole table was there you all introduced your self and chafed until Miss/Mrs/ Mr (T/N) Come in and disturb you all.

Time Past while you where listen to (T/N). You slightly turned to (C/N), and stared at his Adorable, Lovingly, hand- *Hits Author Sama again* ( I mean) Face. You loved everything about his face, his dimples, The freckles, all he hair in his face, his eyes nose and Mouth. Then before you could see anymore of his face, he turned to see you staring at him. You turned red then quickly looked at the teacher. You could feel (C/N) Eyes on you and for a while that's all you could feel.

♥️Time skip♥️

Throughout the whole class (C/N) Was starin at you and you only. I hated it so much but I love it at the same time. You couldn't believe that your crush was staring at you, he wouldn't do that last year. But somehow he does it now. You start to think, maybe it's because you stared at him first. You needed profesional advice, and you knew the perfect person. 

You ran to your best friend, (F/N)'s locker. She was there getting her history book, for well history. You yelled her name. "(F/N)!"  She turned and looked at surprised. "I need some advice" You spoke again. 

She replied "with love I'm guessing?" You nod and she let you continue.

While you explained everything you panicked and nearly drop dead to the flour while speaking. After you finished (F/n) said with reassurance,"(Y/N). Your fine he probably likes you back you don't know until you make the move." She ran away because her class was on the other side of the school.

You stood there gob-smacked, (C/N) may or may not like you. You walked to your next class hoping you could confess to your crush that you liked him...

(A/N) Hey guys, So yeah I'm calling myself Author Sama it's werid, but so am I. Hope u liked this. This is all new but I'll get it someday. Vote Coment follow whatever you do. Just please be positive and if you need someone to talk to DM and we will talk 

Cya my Shippers ♥️ *Blows kisses* Baiiii!

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