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I looked around the room and saw shock. "I know you don't like to be called Finnmark Klein Landers, Tillery Penrod Kruspe, Everett Zaden Kruspe, Everest Flint Landers, Shields Helma Landers, Vulpine Marcy Kruspe. I would like you all meet each other."

Me and Richard kept our last names when we got married. That is why half of the kids have my last name and the other half have Richard's. The newly adopted four kids all looked alike. They had black hair and blue eyes. They were quads. They were Russian. Richard doesn't know Russian but I do. I don't know if the kids know that. They were 11 years old. They were a year younger then our other two kids.

Two months after we adopted the kids I got a call to a house fire me and my partner responded. His name was Warren. When we got to the house fire I panicked when I realized who's house it was. I called Till and got no answer. I put on my gear and entered the house. I started to search rooms. I was on the last room and that is all I remember.

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