The Songs of Summer

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According to some; I've got no life, but just because I may not have a lot of friends, or that I do unusually well in school, doesnt mean I'm lifeless. Knowing very well that I'm not the most popular or funny at my school, I stay quiet, try to go unnoticed, and avoid attention at all possible costs.

 But this last week of school is going to be bloody insane, not only because of finals, but because the whole lot of the 9th years (besisdes me) are planning their extravagent summers. Personally, I could care less. All I want to do is go to this music camp to work on my voice, and work on not being a travesty when I try to play piano.

Unfortunately for me, all of the more known kids think its fun to pick on me, so that maybe I'd give them my study guide for the English final. But the thing that no one seems to notice, is that I take French, and even if I did give them the work, i'd most definitely do it badly so that I wouldnt have to spend another year with that lot of bumbling morons. None the less, I've been quite busy studying, tutoring, and doing extra credit, actually, so much so that I'vent been spending much time with Oli.

Speaking of Oli,

 "Oi! Pipes! Wherve you been, love?" he shouts, his Irish accent ringing through the air.  "Well! Look who it is!" I yell back. " You look absolutely downright cheerful today." He said, rather sarcastically. " Shut up you bleeding bullock. You know I've been workin' my brain so hard lately." I reply, to which he says "Cant tell." we both laugh.

"I've made the assumption that they all hate me." I continue after the laughing fit finally dies, to which he replies, "Just a smart one then, Pipes. Nothin' wrong with bein' clever!"

With that, I smiled, and made the mistake of glancing into his green-grey eyes, to which i hope he was glancing back into mine. "Thank you for being the best best friend a girl could have." I said sincerely.

"No problem, love!" He said back.

After our little moment, we had to head to French. But on the way, some asshat made me drop my books. Both Oli and i went to pick them up, and he said

"We dont need your perfect little arms gettin' injured now, do we Piper?"

I laughed. Oli and I started walking to the French room, but this time, we had our arms linked, and we were shouting "Nous partons voir le magicien!" which translates back to english being "We're off to see the wizard!". I love our 5 year old senses of humor.

After French, we had lunch. The cafeteria was always a disaster, so Oli and I sneek out to the butterfly garden, among the vibrant colors of the beautiful flowers and dancing butterflies.I found myself sitting under a willow, with beautiful wilting yellowish-white flowers just starting to bloom. My mind wandered, thinking about the camp im going to this summer. What will I do without Oli? Oh, wow.. I'm going to america for a music camp. Will they like me? Probably, youre all there for music- I assure myself. Since its in America, I'm definitely going to meet new people. Amazing people with funny accents.

*three hours pass*

I was riding the train back to my stop, which I would then have to walk a mile home, when I remember that I have my ipod. So naturally, I went to my playlists. As I read through them, I saw,



-Oli's songs



-possible good news

That last one, whered it come from?

I quickly tapped on it, and my dads voice flowed through my headphones.

"Sweetheart, you know how proud of you we are. You know how much we love you. And you know how much we support you. But today, when you get home from school, we want you to pack your things, get your guitaur, notebooks, and picks, because were flying you to NY tonight.. I know how much the rest of the school year means to you, but hopefully you will enjoy spending time with your cousins! You will be attending school in Brooklyn for the last three weeks. Lots of Love, Mum and Dad."

The recording clicked off.

I ran the rest of the five minutes home, and rushed to call Oli, and told him that I love him, to be good, and I'd see him in a few months. He was flustered, but I hung up. Quickly, I scrambled to pack all of my things, and I heard the door swing open, and my moms voice yelling, "OI! PIPES MOVE YOUR BUM, YOULL MISS YOUR FLIGHT!!"

With that, I grabbed my phone, laptop, ipod, and guitair, and left.

Goodbye london, Hello Brooklyn!

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