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Once upon a time,there was an underwater kingdom.This kingdom was called Aenon,and its king's name was Leo.Leo was a young merman,that inherited the throne from his father,since he was the eldest of all his siblings.He was a fair and loyal king,with strong morals and love for his people.Most of the citizens and his siblings were more than happy with the way he ruled the kingdom.No one would ever complain about him or his personality.He was a perfect and glorious king.

Him and his people lived in peace for decades and decades,making families and creating a community.Everyone was happy until one day,one of their own got discovered by humans.At that moment everyone knew,it was the start for the catastrophe.The start of the end.Leo heard about it and tried to take measurements to protect his kind.

Not long time later,many murders started to occur.Leo lost his mother,cousin,and two of his siblings were captured.At first he didnt know what was happening,or why the mermaid nation was attacked so violently.So he sent off a spy to find out what humans were up to.The spy returned telling Leo that humans were after merpeople's youth and vital organs.Since humans has now found out that merpeople's vitality was the strongest one among all (mythical and non) creatures.Leo gets terrified at the news.
"But that would mean...that all of our kingdom and our people will get slaughtered..Humans are so greedy,if they found out more of our powers,they will never stop killing!" The spy sighs sadly,looking down hopeless."I have to take the matter in my hands."

Ravi for another night,sits down on his couch,a golden chalice on his hand.He gulps down the content almost as if he is addicted to it.His eyes widen with ecstasy,before he falls back in the soft couch cushions.From the chalice,you can see a few drops of vibrant colored blood falling to the floor.At the same moment,but in another place,Leo got his finger pierced.Confused,he asks for the reason,from their doctor,who says that probably some human has started to consume amounts of mermaid blood.
Leo clenches his fist and his eyes narrow.He knows that he wont be able to fight the Mermedication Corporation CEO all by himself,so he decides to sent off some people to inform Ravi that he is ready to meet him.

Ravi goes to Leo's underwater cave,and listens to his siren song,while following the smooth voice.He thought to himself,he didnt sound bad at all,it was kind of alluring actually.But he should have expected that from a merperson anyways.
Leo's brothers,Hyuk and Hongbin,the youngest,told him not to seal the deal with Ravi.The condition was that Leo had to become a human (but not an actual one,since his organs and powers still remained) and gives off some of his precious blood to Ravi everyday,so he can minimize the hunting.Leo had the most nutritious blood from all merpeople together,so Ravi got immediately interested in the offer.

Even though his siblings were all around him,trying to repulse him of the idea of becoming a human being,Leo was unshaken.His pupils didnt even move.He was determined to save his people,even if that meant to spill his own blood.

So he goes to find the Wizard.The Wizard was known for his mostly evil and sneaky ways but every now and then he would do a good deed.
After all,Leo was the king,not a mere merman.And so,the Wizard took Leo's hand."Hmm! Interesting!" Leo looked up to him puzzled."Your fate and your aura! Very interesting,how tragic!" The wizard giggled,right before he turns his expression into a cold poker face."Come on,follow me.Do you see that dark cave? You have to pass through and fall in the pits of this black hole.Then the transition will take place."

Ravi and the wizard watch Leo as he's walking to the black swirling pit.
Then,he jumps.
Leo feels his limbs extending and stretching to crazy rhythms.He feels the pain,like his bones are crushed,one by one.He is tossed here and there,while his scales disappear from his legs and arms.
A sparkle started surrounding him and his body felt like electrocuted for a while.Leo has never been through so much pain before.
After some moments,he was ready.

Leo stepped softly outside of the cave,walking on his two new human legs,glowing.His skin,was perfect.Even though he transformed into a human,none of his unreal beauty was stolen.He was a mesmerizing mortal.
Ravi looked at him and whispered to himself "He's a piece of art in real life."
Then he turned back and nodded to Leo to follow him,since they were going to live together.

Living together with Ravi was way better than what Leo thought it would be.Ravi would frequently take care of him and feed him delicious human foods.He would put him to pose and Leo then would pose,and after that Ravi would draw him.He wanted to depict his beauty but he admitted to himself it was really difficult to do so.And sometimes,he would stare at him,just stare,as if he was thinking of something.Strings got attached.

And time passed,and passed,again.Leo woke up,one day just like all the others.He feels a small acid pain on his fingertip,before he realizes,he is pierced.
He is searching for Ravi in the house but he cant find him anywhere.He runs out in the woods searching for him.
"Hongbin? Hyuk?" Leo feels like he is imagining stuff.Dizzy from his hallucinations,he is wandered in the woods,not knowing that he is being followed.
merpeople sense the danger,and start getting ready to rescue him.His siblings awake the oldest of their sisters,with an ancient power,to rescue him.She swims faster than ever but is soon detected from Ravi's radars and got killed.
She never reached out to save Leo.

And even Leo,in his latest moments,while being tied with a rope in an experiment chamber,realized that greed,is a scary thing.Greed can make someone you like turn against you and greed can also make your family stab you in the back.
He drank the sedative from the hands of his very brothers.The same moment that he was willing to give his life for them.

Ravi,even though he had the most vital heart in his hands,he was still greedy of Leo's company.So he got to work.
After hours of working over Leo's dead body,he realized,he was indeed a piece of art,even if he was artificial.
"Now,you will be forever with me..." Ravi whispered,smiling wickedly over Leo's closed eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2017 ⏰

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