An Angel Named Suicide

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She lied in bed, alone in her room.

Tears stream down her hollow cheeks, dampening her pillow and sheets with hot salty tears.

Her 70 pound body shaking and racking with sobs as she stared down at the self inflicted cuts on her thin arms, standing out on her pale snowy skin, that were reduced to only flesh and bone.

Her stomach groaned in agony, begging for food that she refused to eat or purges from her system, fearing she will be called "fat" or "ugly."

She watched the blood from her cuts release drop after drop of blood.

How she wished she would escape the horrible world that abused, neglected, humiliated, and tortured her and her soul.

During her childhood and up to now her adolescent years, she has been lead to a point where she is completely dead inside.

As she cried her hurting heart out, watch blood seep slowly from the cuts, she is startled by a soft cold hand being gently placed on her shoulder.

She looked up to need with the cold gray eyes of.... an angel...

An angel with black hair that swept lightly over his eyes, and black feathery wings that shone with the moonlight that seeped through the bedroom window. His porcelain skin clean covered by black clothing.

"You poor soul. You've suffered so much, and the world has never been kind in return for you. All you seek is your escape from this cruel world," he said.

Her tired, dull blue eyes meet with his grey ones.

"W-Who are you??" she murmured.

"I go by many names," the angel said. "But I'm mostly known as Suicide."

The young girl gulp nervously as the angel leaned down to her eye level.

She thought she was hallucinating, and gripped to her head whimpering in fear until he held her face gently in his cold ivory hands.

"I can help you escape this heartless world. All you need is one more thing to do," he said.

She was afraid, but right now, she was willing to do anything to be free.

With this angel, she felt things she never felt before.






She let's out a weak cry. "Please," she pleaded. "I'll do anything, but make the pain stop!"

The angel nodded and gently sat her up, his strong arm around her tiny frame as he held her thin right wrist in his hands, her red cuts facing up to them.

"Look," Suicide said, then traced gently on her wrist with the tip of his finger as he spoke. "Its very simple. If you cut right to left, or vice versa, its only slow. However, if you cut from your wrist down, halfway to your arm, demise will be quicker."

He takes a razor from her nightstand and places it in the palm of her other hand.

"What will happen to me?" she asked nervously.

"You can be with me, safe and in peace. I can treat you like you should have been treated, care for you like you should have been cared for," he said, then leaned in slowly,  kissing the top of her soft pink lips. "I can love you like you should have been loved. You will never live in sorrow."

She looked into his eyes, feeling her lips slightly with the tips of her fingers. His lips... they were cold, but left behind a comforting warmth she never felt before.

She gulped nervously but determinedly and looks down at her lacerated wrist.

She then takes the piece of metal in her fingers and brings it to her wrist, burying it deeply into her skin.

She then slowly drags the blade down her arm, whimpering softly, making a cut about 5 inches long, blood pouring down her arm and soaking her clothes and her bed rapidly.

Suicide then gets up and lies her down, watching her breathing become labored, then shallow and slow.

Until her chest stopped moving, her sky colored eyes staring at nothing, her body still.

She was gone. Bled to death.

Suicide closes her blue eyes before gently scooping her up in his arms, leaving her drained body an empty shell, as evidence for her family to find.

He looks down at her collected soul, and they disappeared from the world.

The girl opens her eyes to find herself in a flower meadow, surrounded by a mysterious forest.

She looks up to meet Suicide's grey eyes, and smiles tiredly. She smiles for the first time in years.

Her pearly white feathery wings shone with the soft but brilliant sunlight that shone through the trees.

"My beloved Sorrow, you are free," Suicide murmured with a sweet smile as he cupped her cheek gently in his palm.

His ebony wings cocoons around the two angels as he sits Indian style in the middle of the meadow, Sorrow in his arms, laying on his lap.

"Thank you, my angel," she murmured with a small smile as she drifted to sleep in Suicide's arms, and he keeps his word to her.

The End.


Hope you guys liked this little story I made up. I was in as pretty dark place when I thought of this, which wasn't long ago, but I am okay now.

So please be sure to give some feedback on what you think.

I hope this wasn't too triggering for some of you.

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