My name is Jimmy. Now this may sound crazy but... I've wanted to bea ballet dancer ever since I was three. Now I'm ten. I really, really, really want to start. ballet, but no other guys dance. They would bully me for sure. They'd probably call me Twinkle Toes like the boys do in the movies. My Mum always encourages me, she says it will be good for me. But I'm still not sure.
I've changed my mind! I will start ballet! Who cares if they tease me, they can just get over themselves! Why my sudden change of heart? Well today, Annie, the new girl, she comes from a super proper family. The type of girl you'd expect to sew, play violin or do ballet. At lunch, all the boys were playing tackle rugby. Annie asked to join, they laughed but let her. She. Was. AMAZING!! She smashed them all, and scored the most goals.
So I've decided.
If Annie, the prim proper girl, can do tackle.
I CAN and I WILL do ballet!!
Short Stories
RandomBasically this is where I am going to publish a ton of my short stories :)