Allie and Niall; Forever

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Niall POV

"I need to find the perfect ring." Niall says as he enters Tiffany's with Zayn and Perrie. "This is like the fifth jewelry store we've been to." Zayn replies. "Any ring you pick Allie will love because she loves you." Perrie says. "You're right" replies Niall. Just pick one. He told himself. Just as he thought that he came across the most beautiful ring he has ever seen. It was a heart cut 11 mm 5 carat diamond. "This is the ring!" Shouted Niall. "Look at that price!" Zayn shouted. It was one of the most expensive rings in the store at a price of $10,500. "I know I'm famous but I don't think I can afford this." "Niall if you really love her with all your life you'll get the ring." Replied Perrie.

Allie POV

"It's been three years since we got back together, if he hasn't proposed by now He won't." Allie cried. "Allie, couples have gone for like 10 years before getting engaged so don't even worry." Replied Eleanor. As the girls walked pass the bridal store the most beautiful dress caught Allie's eye. "OMG! I have to have that dress!" Shouted Allie. It was a Vera Wang Georgette Mermaid Gown with Dramatic Skirt. Allie fell in love instantly. She dragged Eleanor into the store with her to try it on. Allie didn't even bother to look at the price tag. She looked absolutely stunning and had the perfect body for it and she knew it. Even though her and Niall were not yet engaged she decided to buy it anyways until she saw the price. "$5,000! I can't afford that." She said as her eyes began to well up with tears. "Oh Allie I'm so sorry." Replied Eleanor. "Even he does propose I still won't be able to get it." Cried Allie as they both walked out of the store.

Niall POV

Niall, Zayn, and Perrie all walked out of the store without the ring. Niall was little disappointed but knew he might be able to buy the ring in the future. As they were walking they bumped into Allie and Eleanor. Allie was still crying but wiped away her tears as soon as she saw Niall. "Hey beautiful lady." Niall said as he hugged Allie. "Hey babe." Replied Allie. Everyone parted their ways and Allie and Niall walked back to their luxurious condo. It was a beautiful 2 bedroom 2 bath with a view looking straight ahead at the Hollywood Sign. It had a huge kitchen in which Allie and Niall cooked their meals together. Their bedroom had two walk in closets, one for Allie, and one for Niall. Allie had recently taken up some space in Niall's just for her shoes. Allie and Niall ate their dinner in silence and continued up to the bedroom for some cuddle time in bed. Niall and Allie woke wrapped in each other's arms. "I'm off to practice, babe." Niall said as he got up and out of bed. Niall had been telling Allie that it's just practice but he got a full time job just to buy Allie her perfect ring.

Allie POV

Allie spent the day cleaning and just relaxing. As she read the paper she began looking for a part time job so she could afford her beautiful dress. She found one as a dog walker for $10 per dog at the dog pound. She walked into the pound and they hired her right on the spot. Allie walked over a dozen dogs her first day. She quickly dropped off the last dog at the pound and headed home. She got home just before Niall and jumped into the shower. Niall had just walked in five minutes after Allie and joined her in the shower. Following a hot and steamy shower the couple went to bed.

6 Months Later

Niall POV

Niall had finally worked and earned enough to buy Allie the ring she deserved. He had the perfect plan to propose. A picnic on the beach and a moonlit walk by the Hollywood sign. They finished up their picnic just as the sun was setting and headed to the sign. They walked the length of the Hollywood sign and at the end Niall got down on one knee "Allie Faith Gates will you marry me?" Niall asked. "OMG! Of course of course of course I will!!!" Exclaimed Allie. It was late spring and Niall and Allie planned the wedding for the end of the year.

Allie POV

It was two months before the wedding and Allie had earned enough money to buy her gown. Her and Eleanor walked into bridal store seeing that another lady was trying on the same dress. Allie's eyes began to well up with tears. "She better not buy that dress." Allie said. Fifteen minutes later the store owner brought the gown into Allie's dressing room. Allie was completely shocked, "I thought that other lady was going to buy it?" She asked. "She couldn't afford it." The owner said. The dress fit perfect and it was gorgeous.

Wedding Day

The big day had finally arrived. The wedding took place on a bluff overlooking the Hollywood sign where Niall proposed. Allie had her beautiful dress on and Perrie and Eleanor were in beautiful short blue dresses. As Allie walked down the aisle she began to tear up as well as Niall was. "Allie, you are the greatest thing that ever happened to me. You changed me and for that I am a better person. You taught me how to love and so much more. And for that I give you this ring as a token of my love for you." Niall said for his vows. "Niall, you made my heart feel again. I've known deep down in my heart that you and I would be together on this day. Saying that, I love you with all my heart and will always love you no matter what. I give you this ring as a token of my love for you." Allie said as the ceremony came to a close. " I now present to you Mr. And Mrs. Niall Horan!" Exclaimed the preacher. The night came to an end as they got back to their condo. Niall picked up Allie bridal style and carried her into the house.

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