Birthday- Hetalia USUK fanfiction- boy x boy

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This is from my acct. I'm internationalSmile over there :) 

NOTE: IF YOU HATE IT! THEN DON'T PROCEED ON READING... I am an open minded author who appreciates ALL literary works. This is a first for me writing an explicit fic... ;) THIS IS YAOI OKAY?! IF YOU HATE DON'T READ, plain and simple ^_^ This fic mainly features America and England. 

If you want to get into the mood of the story and find the inspiration for this fic, listen to the song on the media board ^_^

It was a slightly cool April morning. It was April 23 and it was a normal day… No, scratch that, it was an extra special day for a specific Brit. Arthur Kirkland woke up beside his shirtless America lover, Alfred Jones and he looked at his face for a minute. They didn’t do anything dirty last night, but Alfred did complain that it was a bit hot that night. His lover’s face was all calmed down, innocent and not like his usual hyper self. Although, Arthur Kirkland loved both sides of him, he was more used to Alfred’s hyperactive side that he always showed.

He slipped out of bed, being careful not to wake Alfred up. As he got out of bed, Alfred Jones tossed and turned, almost woke up but settled down to sleep some more.

“Guess he’ll remember, eventually…” Arthur said to himself nonchalantly but with a hint of sadness in his voice. He got out of bed and went on with his morning routine of showering, brushing and the like. After he got dressed casually- plain long sleeved shirt and jeans, he made breakfast for the two of them. Though, he knew for himself that he was a terrible cook because he liked things to be bland, Arthur still tried to make decent meals for them whenever Alfred was being such a laze sometimes.

He cracked open the eggs into a bowl and whisked them until they were frothy. He took out a pan and put in a bit of butter into it and placed the pan on the open flame. As soon as the butter was bubbling, he poured in the egg mixture and made an omelette that had ham and cheese in it. It was Alfred’s favorite and maybe, it would jog up his memory if he ate a favorite dish of his.

Arthur finished cooking breakfast just in time to see his lover coming down the stairs to eat breakfast. As soon as he had already reached the table, Arthur greeted him with a hearty good morning and a smile. He sat at the table and served his lover his breakfast.

“So…” Arthur started as he was about to eat. “Anything special going on today?” he asked Alfred, hoping he’d remember his birthday.

“Uh… no…” he answered plainly as he ate his omelette. “Except my day off from work today…” Alfred chuckled as he ate quietly.

“Oh… is that so?” Arthur said. He was crushed from the core. They have been dating for 3 years now, and it was a shocker for the Brit to know that his lover had forgotten his birthday. He decided that this day would just be a plain old day for him. No cake, no candles, no gifts whatsoever. Arthur Kirkland decided that he should let this slide through because he knows how airheaded sometimes Alfred could be. Harsh as it may sound, it was true most of the time.

“Mhmmm! This omelette tastes good Arthur…” Alfred complimented. Somehow, that helped Arthur ease up a little.

After Arthur had finished eating his breakfast, he started to pack-up to go to work. It was casual attire day today at work, so he decided to wear a plain trench coat over his long sleeved shirt and jeans.

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