A tough life: Part 1 By Connor Perry

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A tough life Hi, my name is Tanner Harrison Whiterock and this is my story.. I was born in oaklahoma city, Oaklahoma on may 9th 1998. Son of Harrison whiterock and Sydney Harrison( yes I know my mom's last name is my dad's first name) I lived in OKC for 8 months then moved to Revelstoke, British columbia, Canada. When I was born, i was born a little diffirent then alot of people. I was born with a birthmark on my left cheek. I lived in Revelstoke until I was 6, then I moved to kamloops, BC. I did not want to move from Revie, but I had to because of my asshole of a landlord, who sold our house without telling us. It took me a while to make some friends because I was "the new kid" in town and also because I looked a bit funny, but i did after a month, my first friend was named River, River Cook. His birthday was april 9,1999. After talking with him for a long time I found out we had alot in commen. Both liked hockey, soccer, biking, the outdoors and food! He became my first bestfriend, ever! After about 3 months my uncle who lived next door to me, noticed, i had only 4 friends. So being the good uncle he is, he made a replaca stanley cup and bought me 2 hockey nets, 2 sets of goalie gear and a new stick and 5 pucks. We played everyday before and after school, after about 1 week of play, a young man about maybe 17 or 18 came to my father, my uncle and I asking if him and his 3 younger brothers can play? My dad said sure. 10 minutes later 4 boys came over. Thomas, Steven, Peter and daniel were there names. After a while of play, i relized they were good!! After 4 hours of playing we called it a tie( even tho we won!!) They asked if they could come back and play, we said sure. I had already been in my school nee for 3 months and I had tons of friend because of my uncle. I was popular. When I wasn't doing school work, I was playing hockey, when I wasn't playing hockey I was playing soccer for the school team and when I was playing soccer, I was trying to win over the heart of one girl who was in my class. Her name was Sydney Johnson, she has long brown hair, bright blue eyes and was really good at soccer. She was the most popular girl in my grade! The day I was going to ask her out, happend to be the last day of school and she had got away on vacation for 3 weeks to florida! So I forgot about her and focased on becoming a better goalie, before I could appreciate being off school for 2 and a half months, it was the last day of summer! I really didn't want to get up the next morning until my dad said he would give me 5 bucks!(5 bucks to a second grader is like 100'000 to a adult!!) I asked my dad to give me a ride to school earlier so I can try and make new friends. I arrived 30 minutes early to find the gym packed with 90-150 kids!! Instead of going into the cluster of kids in the centre, I stayed to the sides and talked with a friend from grade 1 who lived next door to Sydney!! When I walked up to him, he had another friend with him. When I walked up this other kid introduced himself " hey, my name is Dylan finch, whats yours??" "Im Tanner Harrison Whiterock, nice to meet you!" I would have never known that not only was he in my class but he would also be my bestfriend! I soon later found out that Dylan not only liked hockey and played but rode dirtbike!! I thought that was super cool! I asked if he could ride for me one day and he did! "I am going to ride 5 times round my yard, thats a standard race in motocross" he explain to me as he put his helmet and gloves on. He was really good! " do a wheelie!!" Yelled his stepdad Joey. So he did and when he did he almost hit a tree but instead of hitting the Tree, he hit the pool full of Shit in the back corner of his yard. The force made some of the shitty water splash over the and onto him and his bike, instead of being the nice parents and bestfriend like we were suppost to be and help him out. We died of laughter instead of helping the "shitty" rider! With less then month of school left. I got pulled out of class an hour before the last bell and into the office for no reason. When I walked to the office, my mom, Dylan's mom and Joey were waiting for me. "Why was I pulled out of class early??" I asked " you are going dirtbiking with Dylan, Joey and Tawnya" ( Dylan's mom) " YES I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO RIDE!!" Proclamed and I was jumping up and down! 2 hours later we arrived at the track. After watching Dylan, Tawnya and Joey ride for a bit. " Can I try?" I asked egerely" sure why not!" Said Joey After 10 minutes of learning to put the helmet on i was ready ride! " Okay, remember little bit of juice is all you need!" Was the last thing I remember for 20 seconds! "What happend!?" I asked as I got up off the ground to see dylan pissig himself laughing and Tawnya holding her side on the ground. "You gave it too much juice!" Said Dylan while wiping tears away from his eyes. That would be the last time I rode for 3 years. One month had passed and it was the last day of school and Dylan still thought it was funny!! That day was also the day of the school carnival and I got informed Sydney would be there with her friends, I thought that would be a great time to ask her out on a first date! After hanging with Dylan and my posse for a while, everybody left but Dylan. I had noticed that Syndey was sitting alone so I told dylan I would meet up with him in a bit. As I jogged over to her I called her name and she turn to me and her whole face lite up in a big smile! "Where's all you're friends??" I asked. " They all ditched me to go see a movie" She said while wiping a tear away from her eye. "Oh well, I'll hang with. I mean, if you want?" I asked while shurgging shoulders "YES!! I mean yah sure" said Sydney while blushing. So we walked around the school for about 15-20 minutes until she said "hey, i've got a soccer ball in my locker. You are good, wanna 1v1??" She said while winking at me then running to get her ball. 5 minutes later she came back with a bright orange ball. "Ladie's first" she said while laughing. "Oh it's on!!" I said while running away with the ball at my feet. I kept the ball for a good 10 minutes before she took it only because I slipped on wet grass. I chased for a good 10 minutes till we both colasped from exgaustion. "Wanna go try and dunk Ms walker in the dunk tank??" I askes as I slowly got to my feet. "Sure, race you there!!" She screamed as she took off running, i caught up pretty quickly because im a good runner! We were tied the whole way there. When we got there, the line was long, 30-40 people!! "Ladie's first" I said while letting her go in front of me. "Why thank you!" Said Sydney while giving my a wink and a smile. After 10 minutes of talking about soccer and everything else, we finally got to the front of the line. A grade 6 gave up 6 soft balls to use to an dunk Ms walker. We took turns trying to hit the target. I was on my last ball went I had the best moment of my life. Sydney whispered din my ear "good luck" an kissed my cheek. I knew right then I HAD to hit the target. I threw it super hard and with perfect aim. It smashed the target dead on and Ms Walker dropped into the icey cold water below! Everbody was cheering for me. Sydney had given me a big hug and kissed me again!! I was super happy. We hung out for another hour until Dylan found me and Sydney had to go. I decided to be nice and walk her to thr road where her mom was waiting. As we walked I decidd to asked her out. "So umm I was wondering if umm you maybe wanted to.." Is all I got out before her mom honked the car horn and yelled at her to get in. "I have to go. I had a great night, see you next year Connor!!" She said right after givin me a hug. I ran back to Dylan and told him everything. He didn't believe me!! " it really happend!!" I yelled at him as we walked across the parking lot back his house. Told all my friend when I got hom 4 days later. They were all in shock that all that happend to me. That summer was the first time I had gotten in trouble with the law. 2 weeks into summer a new family moved in down the street. It was a family of 3, single mom with her 19yr son AJ and 8 yr daughter marissa. I had only met AJ because he taught me how to fight after I got beat up at a friend house. After he taugh me some MMA moves and beat up the kid who beat me up. One day AJ deciced to buy an air soft gun, he taugh me how to shoot it and reload it. I wasn't paying attention when my friend Connor cox from down the road walked into my garage when I was shooting the gun and I got scared and shot Connor right under the left eye. The cops were called because I shot him. Till this day, I still owe AJ because he took the blame for shooting Connor in the face. A week after that, his mom made arrangements for him to move to vancouver to live with his father because of what happend. That summer went by super fast!! In the blink of an eye. It had started and ended. When I went to school the next day I had found out I had Ms walker( the teacher I dunked). And had Sydney in my class but not Dylan. But I was okay with that, there was about 7 new kids. 4 girls 3 guys. When I relized I had Ms Walker, i put my right hand over my face to cover it as I turn around and said to Sydney and 3 of her friends " thats the teacher I dunked" right as I said that " Mr Harrison whiterock" she said and I turned slowly to see her standing infront of me. " you're that second grader who dunked me!" She said " yea I am, what about it??" I asked not expecting an answer. "5 laps of fhe school!" Said demaned to me as she point to the door. The whole class said "oooooo" "aj smith, stand at the front door and make sure Tanner does not got threw the school. Everybody else follow me!" Said Ms Walker as she walked out the door. " you have 4 minutes to run 5 laps or else everbody does 10 laps of the school and the field. GO!!" Yelled Ms walker. Everybody started yelling at me to run fast. "56 seconds" said Ms walker on lap one. "10 seconds left" yelled Sydney as i rounded the last corner! "10..9..8..7" yelled the class as I sprinted the last 100 yards "3..2.." Yelled the class as I crossed the finshed line with one second left! " that was close tanner!" Said Ms Walker " good job" she said as she smiled and patted me on the back. Little did I know I would later become whats known as a " teachers pet" but I had no problem with it. This was also the year I had met jackson ramsey, my first bully. He would make fun of my birthmark everyday. After months for being bullies I told my teacher. She delt with it pretty quickly, Jackson got a month of detention. The day Jackson got free, it was my birthday!! Thank god Jackson was sick that day, besides getting hit alot and getting sent to the office for fighting, I had a good day. When I got home I had 5 letters to open from family, each letter had 10 bucks in it, thats 50 bucks!! I got 3 RC cars and 2 dartguns!! I have pretty happy. 2 days later I had the biggest fightnof my life! 18 man brawl, over a soccer goal!! It all started because the other team was saying we were offside when we scored when we weren't. After a 5 minute yelling match, one of the defencemen, kyle thomas took a swing at me. So I swung back and the brawl started it last 10 minutes only because everybody was afraid to break it up because of the size! We all got lunch time denention for a month! We all got out with 2 days left in gr 3, they wouldn't let us play soccer, so some of us went and played hockey and the rest did whatever I don't really know what they did. The last of school had finally come, yes I was sad to say goodbye to friend but also happy to be off school! First day of summer was amazing. I had made plans to meet all my friends at the beach. It was a great time. That was also the first summer without my aunty kenzie and uncle hector, they had moved to manning park because my uncle worked there, in mid july my mom got a call when my dad was at work. She didn't tell me who it was, she called my dad's work to get dispatch at his work to radio him and tell him call my mom. He did after an 10 minutes. After an hour of waiting my mom finally told me what was going on. We had all gotten invited to manning park for a week to see my aunt's new home. I was super excited, my mom told me we were leaving tomorrow morning at 11Am and we would be there 1pm in the afternoon. After telling all my friends that I was going to manning park and packing all the clothes I needed. I was ready to go. While my mom got packed the next working, me and my dad went to wal-mart and canadian tire to pick up some last minute stuff. When we got back, mom was ready so we left. My dad had told me there were load of bears in manning. I was looking the whole ride there for a bear but didn't see one. At 12:45 we arrived at the lodge. We all went inside to ask if anybody knew my aunt, everybody did. The manger of the lodge told us the way to her house. It took a while but we found it. After talking for 20 minutes we went out side to set up our tent. Half way thru setting it up we heard somebody walking down the street whistling. We all stopped to check who it was, it was my uncle hector. I ran up to him and gave him a hug " hey buddy, i can't chat I gotta get back to work. I am going to pick up my truck right now, i will be back in a hour" He said as he jogged off That week went by really fast, one day we were unpack and then the next we were pack up to leave. I feel asleep on the way back A month had passed since I saw my aunt and uncle. I was having the best summer ever. I hoped it never ended. But it did the next day, when I got to school for the first day for grade 4 I found out I had the coolest Teacher names Mrs Hall. She was super nice, i had also a new kid in my class. His name name is Ryder koors, he had moved from cambell river over the summer. He seemed like a really cool kid! So I be-friended him!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2014 ⏰

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A tough life: Part 1    By Connor PerryWhere stories live. Discover now