SON OF ANNA & KIRSTOFF ! inherited both is mothers & fathers love for adventure and action . will try anything once & is an all around bubbly person .
[ -OFlCE ]; SON OF ELSA & JACK FROST ! I touch is deadly , which is why he never takes off his gloves . an honest to god introvert that just wants to be left alone so he doesn't accidentally hurt someone . hugois like his brother & one of the only people he'll allow to touch him.
[ ofsand ]; DAUGHTER OF THE SANDMAN ! actually more along the lines of one of his creations . she's made of pure golden sand & sleeps most of the time . when she's awake , she's moping around like someone's emo older sister .
[ ofendlessholidays ]; DAUGHTER OF MRS & MR CLAUSE ! a bright spirit who never seems to stop smiling . always smells like vanilla & has a tendency to tell MERRY CHRISTMAS when the holiday is months away . manages the elves most of the time .
[ -dcrkdreams ]; SON OF THE BOOGEYMAN ! just like the sandman made one , so did he . only axel is much more dark and demented . dreams of becoming as famous as his father some day . is actually a dick .
[ offaeries ]; DAUGHTER OF THE TOOTH FAIRY! funny story how she was born- her mom tells her that her father was from pixie hollow- though she's never gotten more than that . the mother of the group . always making sure everyone is health & that their teeth are nice and clean .
[ reserved]; SON OF JAIME BENNETT! and an unknown mother who he really isn't all too interested in . left on his father's doorstep as a baby & names after jack frost , he grew up with the sight to see his father's friends & their children .