The Life Of A Princess

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(Estephania's POV)

I shook my head no to the dress my seamstress made for me.

"I'm not in the mood for pink frills, it makes me look childish, like a little girl" I said thoughtfully.

Tonight there was a royal ball with the Knighthearts as the guests of honer.

Prince Castiel Knightheart of  New Australia is the man I'm supposed to marry. Its my duty as the future Queen of the New America to marry. Marrying him will make our alliance stronger and our countries more powerful then before. And power is everything in this world.

The catch was. I hated this man. With a passion. He was a snake. A wolf with vicious teeth. An unforgiving man. A victim of hate. And he was 10 years older then me.

I was about to turn 19, he was about to turn 30.

I have nothing against numbers, but we are different people.

"My Lady, what is it you are thinking of?" My seamstress Elise asked me.

I sighed softly and looked through my wardrobe at dressed that had already been made for me or bought for me. But still nothing caught my eye.

I looked back at Elise "Elise would you mind showing me your sewing room?" I asked.

She bowed her head gently "My Lady, it is such a mess in there, and there are needles everywhere, I wouldn't want you to be injured" she said thoughtfully.

I smiled at her "I am not worried about a little pin prick or two. I simply want to see what dresses you have made" I said to her as i slipped my light pink heels on, the same color as my dress.

"As you wish my Lady" Elise said as we left the room.

My eyes scanned the glamorous halls and decor like they did everyday.

The walls were cream colored with golden trim. It was actual gold mined from our best gold mines. From the ceilings hung diamond chandeliers that reflected rainbows on the walls in the right lighting. The floors were white marble and artwork hung on the walls of the family tree and all the way back to the history of America before it was the New America Republic. We had a collection of painting of Preaidents dating back to our very first president George Washington to the very last one Donald Trump.

Even though we were the New America Republic, we still held our history close, it was sacred.

I smiled. Even though I was born in this Castle, with such fine architecture and decor, surrounded by such wealth, I still was in awe of this place every day of my life.

We turned down a flight of stairs,  which were diamond with gold and ebony railing, everything started to get a little darker. Lights dimming slowly as Elise lead us into a doorway that lead down 5 more flights until finally we reached the sewing room. It was much colder. We were now in the basement. It was the more undesirable part of the castle. But even still It was nice.

Elise wasn't lying. It in fact was very messy down here and there was needles everywhere I looked, dresses in the making and finished products on the other side of the room on a mannequin. This room was a type of masterpiece all by itself. Great things happened here.

I looked around at the dresses that were made. They were all beautiful. There was huge ball gowns to simple tea dresses. It was amazing to see such beauty and talent in one place. 

"My goodness Elise, these are absolutely amazing, its astonishing that you can so such things, I wish I had such skill like this" I said softly in awe.

Elise blushed and shyed away "Princess, you have a brilliant singing voice and are gifted with the violin, piano, and harp, such gifts are admired in the Royal Court" she said with admiration.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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