Mutual Love

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It was a cool and crisp October Saturday morning in my small hometown. It was quiet - the people hadn't quite risen yet, and that was just how I liked it. It gave me a little peace of mind, which was exactly what I needed after a long and stressful work week.

I smiled as I received my coffee, and went to sit on the comfy couch in the local coffee shop, pulling the daily newspaper toward me as I sat. As I was thumbing through and reading, the bell on the door jingled, signaling someone else entering the shop. It was slightly odd, because usually, it was only me there at this hour, but I brushed it off, and continued reading my paper, minding my business.

"Ya know, it's just like you to be reading a newspaper. It's kinda hot," a voice whispered in my ear.

I jumped and turned, immediately locking eyes with a boy with golden locks and crystal blue eyes that sparkled with just a hint of mischief.

"Oh my god," my voice cracked as I teared up.

I stood and turned, and then stepped on and over the couch.

"Dacre, what are you doing here?" I asked as he encased me in his strong arms in a bear hug.

"Hey, even famous Hollywood actors miss their hometowns sometimes," Dacre replied.

I pulled away, my smile huge. "Touche, Mr. Montgomery," I said.

"Ahh, stop that. That's all I hear out in California!" Dacre joked, and I gave him a gentle shove.

Dacre and I had been best friends for years, thanks to our families being so close. The two of us had met at an end-of-summer barbecue that was hosted by the mayor, and since my family was new to town, we went to get to know the neighbors. We clicked instantly, and had been friends ever since. Not even the distance due to Dacre's acting career could ruin my connection with him. Our friendship was something special, and we both knew it. It was so good to see Dacre again - the two of us stayed in touch via texting, phone calls, and skype, but until now, we hadn't seen each other in a little over a year.

"C'mon," Dacre said, grabbing my hand, and leading me to the door. "Let's walk,"

I snagged my coffee before following Dacre to the exit of the shop. As we made our way outside, I readjusted and placed my arm in Dacre's, taking a sip of coffee as I did so. The two of us walked for a while in comfortable silence. This was one of the things I loved about Dacre. There was no pressure to fill the quietness that surrounded us. Honestly, it was one of my favorite ways to spend time with him, and he felt the same. We were two peas in the same pod.

Dacre broke my reminiscent train of thought when he gently took my coffee out of my hand to take a sip.

"Black," he said, slightly surprised.

"Yeah," I replied, taking the hot drink back. "I dropped all that extra sugar and stuff last year."

"Huh," Dacre mused. "Who are you?" he teased.

"I feel like I should be the one asking you that question. Long time no see, pal," I quipped back.

"Pal?" Dacre questioned the pet name I gave him.

"Sorry, Prince Dacre, considering - actually, especially since you're back in your hometown, don't expect to be treated like royalty." I said sarcastically while sipping on my coffee.

"Excuse me, it's King Dacre," he said pompously, and then broke out into a chuckle.

I rolled my eyes as a small giggle escaped my lips. I had missed this.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2017 ⏰

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