Hope You Do

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Hello, I wrote Keith Imagines. Just want to start off with an imagine based off my favorite song atm. Hope You Do and Perfect inspired this imagine so enjoy. If you'll like a part two or for me to continue with making imagines, vote and comment! If there are any mistakes, Point them out.

Hearing your phone ringing woke you up. It was 3:45am and someone was calling you, so you were mad plus you had work in a couple of hours. Looking at the caller ID, it was a number you didn't recognize so you weren't sure if you should answer but you did because it might be an emergency.

"Hello," You spoke sitting up a bit.

"I miss you," A drunk Dave slurred on the other end. "I need you to come over right now."

Looking at your phone like it said that crazy mess, you were about to just hang up until you heard him ask you please. Sighing lowly, you told him you'll be there soon.

You and Dave were in something like a relationship for almost a year. He had the mentality that he could fuck with all the girls he wanted but you were his and he better not catch you with no other dude. At first, you thought he was kidding, going off what he seen on twitter until your home girls came to you telling you stories about them and Dave. Before jumping to conclusions, you asked him, and he admitted to it. He's not a liar.

After that, you stopped messing with him and your friends.

A couple of weeks ago he seen you out with someone else at a club he was hosting at. Whenever you moved, his eyes followed you. Since that night he's been calling and texting you to the point where you had to block him. Thinking he finally got over it, you were wrong. You were wondering if he changed his number, got a new phone or is just using someone else's phone.

Arriving to his house, you pulled the key he gave you a couples of months ago out. Walking in, you noticed toys in one big pile in the middle of the floor. Hearing footsteps, you looked up and seen Dave walking towards you with his shirt off and a blunt in his hand. His eyes bloodshot red.

Before reaching you, he put the blunt in an ashtray.

Pulling you into his arms, he drunkenly rocked you side to side. "I've missed my baby." His deep raspy voice spoke before kissing the side of your head. Pulling away from him, you fixed your cardigan that slipped down a little.

"Why you need me over here, David?" You asked getting irritated just by looking at him.

"Why we not friends no more?" He asked pulling at his beard. Rolling your eyes, you were about to tell him bye and just walk out. "I still can't believe I let you go so easily." He mumbled picking his blunt back up, taking a hit, he placed it back in the ashtray.

"I don't know why you're so mad at me because we weren't together." He said so serious.

"We weren't together, but you damn made sure other niggas didn't try to get at me. You had ol boy Clarence scared to ever approach me again, but I can't be mad that you fucked two of my best friends?" Taking his key off your keychain you were about to give it back to him before he grabbed your hand and held it in his. "Let go."

"Just stay and listen to what the fuck I gotta say, damn." He pulled you closer to him. Sitting on the couch and patting the seat next to him, he picked his blunt back up. "I like standing." You said.

Looking at the ground, he bent his neck a little just trying to think of a way to say how he's been feeling about losing you. "Listen, I miss you, Y/N and I want to be in a relationship with you." Shaking your head, you knew it had to be the liquor in his system talking for him. "You're drunk. You're not going to wake up tomorrow with the same mindset." Taking a seat next to him, you crossed your legs. "You told me months ago you didn't ever want to be in a relationship because of how stuff with Kairi's mom ended and I thought I could change your mind, but I never could." Turning his head to look at you, he just looked at you for a second.

"You obviously changed my mind if I'm sitting here telling you that I want to be in one." Smoking the rest of his blunt, he sat back some and closed his eyes blowing the smoke out. "I miss your feet on my chest. When you'd bring me homecooked meals up to the studio. The way you bonded with my daughter."

You liked and disliked when Dave was drunk. The Dave East everyone knows would never talk like this but liquor in his system makes him not care about anything.

But you couldn't lie, you also missed how he'd place your feet on his chest while sexing you. Something about the way he did it always turned you on even more. To some people, it didn't seem like a big deal, but Dave always has this seductive look. That look while sexing and starring into your eyes while also placing your feet on his chest to get a better angle did something to you every time. To top it off, he'd broke your legs by bending down some to kiss all over your face. Soft little pecks he only does to you.


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