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My throat is scratchy from the lack of water I've gotten. I can't remember what happened last night and how I got here.
I'm in a never ending tunnel. I've been walking for hours, well it feels like hours, I don't really know because I have no sense of what the time is. There is no light only darkness.
My feet hurt and there are scratches all over my legs from who knows what. My hair is tangled and my lips are dry. I can feel my heart pumping and I can hear it beat on like drums. Sweat drenches my body and even though I'm sweating it's freezing in these tunnels, since I've only got a short purple dress on from my eighteenth birthday party. The last thing I can remember is my party. I probably just passed out drunk somewhere I think to myself as I continue down the tunnel.
I round a corner and am blinded by a burst of light shining at the end of the tunnel. I feel a sudden surge of adrenaline pass through me and start running, my feet hitting the cement loudly. I am a few metres away from the light when suddenly a big slab of rock slides across the exit making a door, blocking the light and making the tunnel pitch black again. I continue running though, my hopes still up that I can get through. I finally reach it and start smashing the door with my hands and kicking it with all my strength. But it won't budge. And now I'm stuck all alone once again. I lean my back against the wall and slide down until my body makes contact with the ground. I gasp for my breath and feel my hopes being drowned out of my system. Before all hope is gone I hear my mind tell me maybe it could open again tomorrow. So here I will wait for as long as it takes for the light to come back.
I feel tears well up in my eyes and slide down my face smoothly and silently as I think once again of my parents. It's times like these when I think of them. And I miss them so damn much. It's times like these, when I'm alone that I miss them so much. That's why I try never to be alone.
Memories start to burst in my mind. The night of the murder. The night they died because they wanted to save me.
More tears fall down my face and I hear myself start to say sorry repeatedly. I keep on saying sorry until the mumbles become yells and the yells become screams.
"It's my fucking fault, MINE!" I scream so loud I scare myself. "I'm so sorry, mum and dad, I'm so sorry."
My cries turn into hysterics and I drown myself once again in my own grief. After what seems like forever I calm down and find myself drift off into sleep hoping so much that that horrible night my parents were murdered I front of my eyes won't haunt my dreams.
Tomorrow I will get out I say to myself as slumber overcomes me.


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