Part 1

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It was a Friday night and Tina was out hanging with her friends, when she got a text from her mom Kim saying, "Don't come home, Chuck showing out again". Chuck was her mom's boyfriend at the time and he was on drugs real bad. Tina was embarrassed of the fact that her mom dated a junkie so she did her best to hide it from her friends. After seeing the text she immediately called her mom in private. You could hear Chuck screaming in the back ground. Tina was sick of Chuck's behavior and she knew her mom was to but they had no where to go.

Tina decided to sleep over at her friend Tiffney house. She didn't get much sleep because she was constantly thinking of her mom. She never felt safe in that house. There were plenty of nights when she slept with her dresser in front of her door, Any bump or sound was alarming. The thought of her mom being alone there was nerve wrecking. It was late but her mom was on her mind heavy, so she called her mom and she didn't pick up. After the 4th call, Tina was headed out the door to check on her mom.

Tiffney lived on the next street over, therefore it wasn't a long walk at all. Reaching the top of the street, Tina could hear yelling and screaming. She took off running because the voices was so familiar. Approaching the front yard she was damn near out of breath. The door was wide open, and there was blood on the porch. Tears swelled up into Tina's eyes. She was scared, but as she entered the house that fear instantly turned into hatred.

Chuck was on top of her mom beating her. Her mother was trying to fight back but Chuck was too strong. He didn't see nor hear Tina come inside the house but Kim did. Kim voice was becoming hoarse from screaming. She mouthed the words help me to Tina. Tina quietly picked up the lamp that laid near Kim's kicking feet and hit Chuck over the head with it. She hit him pretty hard, that he stopped dead in his tracks.

When Tina seen her mother's face, she blacked out. She hit Chuck a few more times. Giving the last hit all she had. Chuck was out cold and Tina hoped he was dead. The police finally arrived. When they got there Kim was in the corner crying with a bloody face. Tina was standing over Chuck with the lamp in her hand, with tear falling down her face.

The police removed the bloody lamp from Tina's hand. There was another cop trying to calm Kim down for questioning. It took the cop a minute but finally she got Kim to relax and to tell her what happen. Tina was quiet. She was in shock. Replaying the incident in her head over and over. She thought of ways she could have ended his life quicker. Her thoughts were then interrupted by a cop, "I'm sorry miss, but you have to come down to the station for further questioning".

The entire ride to the station Tina felt numb. But in a way she felt a sense of relief. She knew Chuck couldn't hurt her mom again and for that she was thankful. They arrived at the station and they put her in a room with just a table and two chairs. She had seen this room plenty of time on TV, however she never thought she would end up in one.

After hours of questioning, the cops told Tina she was free to go and that her mom was waiting up front for her. When Tina approached her mom, Kim broke down. Kim apologized to Tina over and over. Tina hugged her mom with the tightest grip ever. Kim wiped hers and Tina tears, grabbed her daughter by the hand and headed out the door.

The entire car ride Tina stared out the window, still replaying the scene over in her head. When her mom made it to the top of their street, she stop the car and put it in park. Tina looked over to her mom and said, "I hate everything about that house." With a breaking voice, Kim replied, "I know me too baby." Kim put the car into drive and she just drove. Tina finally felt at peace, well at least for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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