Part 1 orphanage

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You lived in the orphanage for a few months after your family died while during a summer vacation from Spain. You were sitting on a window seal in your room till you hear one of your friend who also spoke Spanish tell you that special visitors were here .You got up and walk to the main room you see people that you recognize from YouTube. It was team 10 you see Jake Paul handing out presents to everyone. Being shy you sit in a corner and read your book called Code talkers the book remind you of yourself. While you were reading you here someone say

?: Merry Christmas

 Not knowing what it means you look up and look confused you see Emilo martinez standing in front of you. He asked you in spanish if you knew English you shake your head then he tells you again  but in spanish

Emilo : vienes navidad

You : gracias 

(Pretend the conversations in spanish) As you get to talking he asked you a lot of questions about you as you were talking Ivan walks up to y'all and says

Ivan :Hi

Not knowing what he said you get scared. He says it again but in spanish 

Ivan : Hola

You say it back you all get to talking it was late when they asked you something big.

Emilo &Ivan :Can we adopt you 

You yell as loud as you can :Siii!

They both laugh they got up and talked to Jake as they talked he nodded his head. You thought to yourself is this really happening. Emilo walked up to you

Emilo : The scary orphanage ladies said we can adopt you if your ready.

You laugh and say yes with that you went to get your things 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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