Negative One Days

24 0 0

Oliver POV

I knew something was wrong the day I walked into the classroom. Mrs. Clark was subdued, and it seems that no one knew exactly what was happening. I sit down. The seat in front of me was empty; the girl who sat there normally, Jessabelle, was not there. 

"Do you know what happened?" My friend, Mason, leans over and asks me.

"No idea." I whisper back.

"Class, please settle down." Mrs. Clark says with a sigh. "I have a very important announcement to make. Please, settle down!"

We all fall silent. She never yells. I blink.

"Your classmate, Jessabelle Corey, committed suicide last night."

At that moment, it felt as though I had been hit in the chest by a ton of bricks. My mouth hangs open. But as if the announcement itself wasn't bad enough, what I hear from the student body is definitely worse.

"Who's Jessabelle Corey?"

"She deserved it."

"That poor girl... I wonder what happened."

Mason leans over again. "I knew her... god, can you believe it?" He pauses. "Are you okay? You look sick."

"I never liked her anyways."

"Who is she? I wonder... who even knew her anyways?"

"Thank god. No one liked her."

"Silence, class! Miss Corey's funeral will be held Saturday, and there will be a memorial today this Friday afternoon."

"I'm not going. What's the point? I didn't know her anyways."

"Ha! I bet no one will go."

"Why does she deserve a memorial?"

I let out a shudder and stand up. I feel sick. I slap a hand over my mouth and run out of the classroom.

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