Prologue: [Part One]

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Upon remembering the past it's important not to forget the present. William was incredibly fond of that notion. You see, what he means by this is: it's important to remember the present in the time of the past with relationship to when you made the decision. In other words, the feelings felt should always be remembered with the memory. 

It's because of this notion that William has never regretted a single decision in his life. Each choice was made in the moment as a reaction to the feelings felt in that specific moment. This decision, to go to this college, to board with this man, might be the only instance in which he has had second thoughts. Sebastian Michaelis was not a man he enjoyed spending time with. He was the exact opposite of him in every way imaginable. William was a proper. He was dedicated to his education. He was interested in pursuing his doctorates degree. Sebastian was a playboy. He was only interested in getting into the pants of every individual on campus. The two could never and would never get along.

"William, are you sure you don't want to lighten up a bit? I know it's the start of a new semester but do you really have to spend so much time studying for something that you haven't even taken the time to learn yet?" Sebastian inquired. He was on a mission to get this guy out of his room. Why? For the simple reason that he didn't have a date to the party and he wasn't about to walk into that room without someone clinging to his arm. It didn't matter that the 'someone' would be William, it just had to be someone.

"The day I 'lighten up,' as you put it, is the day I drop out of college and decide to work at a fast food restaurant for the rest of my life," William said as he adjusted his glasses and proceeded to ignore the fool of a man.

"I won't stand for this!" Sebastian grabbed William's arm and dragged him out of his chair.

"Michaelis, what do you think you're doing?" Mr. all-business-no-play asked. He had no intentions of fighting back, that would be a wasted effort, William didn't go to the gym or play nearly as many sports as Sebastian did. He had played some in high school, so he wasn't completely out of shape, but he still wasn't in the condition Sebastian was. 

"I'm taking you to this party and you're going to get wasted. Feel free to thank me later," Sebastian winked. William sighed. He'd refused on multiple occasions but there was no reasoning with Sebastian.

The blaring noise of what seemed to be music combined with the large group of drunk individuals was certainly a sight that William wished he could forget about. Bodies crashing into each other. People dancing on top of one another. The strange interactions between humans was always something of confusion. Once Sebastian had his fill of drinks and forgot about him completely, he would make his escape. Sebastian was a social specimen of human nature. He wouldn't think twice about leaving William to the dogs and trying to pick up a new chick. Or, so William hoped.

"Spears," Sebastian snickered as he giddily drank his...fifth? sixth? seventh solo cup? William had no interest in consuming the mystery concoction of alcohol and (most likely) drugs.

"Your name is hilarious, don't you know that? It fits you so well," Sebastian continued to snicker off and on. "You throw spears with your eyes. You glare at everyone all of the time. Come'ere, let me take those glasses of yours off. I wanna see your face." Sebastian reached for William's eyeware but William brushed his hand aside. He most certainly did not want those filthy hands all over his lenses. Do you know how hard it is to keep these things clean?

"I believe you've had too much to drink and are mistaking me for one of your targets," William sighed. Sebastian gasped and draped his arm around William's shoulder.

"Targets? Don't make it sound so rude. I'm perfectly serious about every woman I meet. Every man too," he smiled that devilish grin of his. William simply rolled his eyes and attempted to remove the arm.

"There are far more attractive and willing individuals to waste your time on, Michaelis," William stood up to leave. It seemed Sebastian had no intentions of leaving him alone, so it was time to change tactics. He would just go back to the room himself and forget 'being nice.'

Sebastian grabbed William's hand and stood up too. He placed a hand at the base of William's back and pushed the male towards him so their bodies were almost connected. "But that's what makes it so fun, you see? William, you play so hard to get but I know you're just as interested as everyone else."

"I don't have time for your games, Michaelis. I have things I need to do." William had no wish to get into a futile debate with a drunk man. He just wanted to return to the room where it was quiet.

"It's not a game. I'm quite serious about you," Sebastian leaned in to kiss William. He blocked it with his hand.

"I'm quite serious about you too," William began, "so serious about the fact that I hate your guts. Sebastian Michaelis, you are the last person in this entire college that I'd want to be with. Check yourself for sexually transmitted diseases before claiming so foolishly that you're 'not playing a game.'" William used the shocked expression on Sebastian's face as a sign it was the perfect opportunity to escape his grasp and go on his way. He did this very thing. Perhaps now Sebastian would learn a thing or two before dragging William from his study session.

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