The Wolf with the weird booty

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Wolf Link was walking trough Hyrule and as usual his cheeks were slapping together and making a loud smack noise. Because of his way to big ass, every time that happens Link wish he could sink in to the ground and never come back, it is so embarrassing.
He can't get a house as a Wolf so he needs a person who lives with him And every time he meets someone nice, what is relative hard considering most of the people run away or leave him alone, because of the fact he can't talk and if he finds someone who is okay with all of that they leave him because of his fat ass. It's not like it slows him down or anything, it even makes him stronger when he does a spin attack for an example so why isn't somebody nice to him Link gives a little growl from him and recessed in thoughts he dumps in someone and falls back ,,hey little buddy are you okay?" You asked link
Link answers with a nod. ,,oh so you can understand me right?" Link nods again ,,that's rare you're a smart one." Link begins to smile *finally someone who's nice* ,,but you know you should watch your steps most of the people here aren't as nice as me."
*augh...Tell me about it*
,,talking about steps how about we don't stand in the middle of the street"
Links agree's with that and you two move to the side ,,so let's redo this.....
Hi my name is (name) who are you"
Link first things how to tell (name) his name but then links begins to draw with his nails the name Link into the dirt as you watch eagerly ,,Link...that's a nice name" you say as you smile at the big wolf. At that link begins to jump around you and the moment he Sits down again in front of you, you want to pet him but just a second before your hand and his head connect you stop and ask ,,may i?" Link as an answer pushes his head in your hand a warm smile covers your face as you begin to pet him Links tail begins wagging. Now your second hand joins on his throat and you begin massaging him. *he has soft fur, i bet it would be even softer if it wasn't so dirty*
,,your very dirty you know that?" You say laughing.
as (name) mention it Link begins thinking the last time he wash himself was a week ago. Link sinks his head in shame. ,,there's no need to feel embarrassed that isn't your fault it's that of your owner." You say as you lift his head again to look you in the eyes and you let your other hand slide to his paw and you want to rub it ,,it's really sof—" #whine# ,,SORRY did i hurt ya I'm really sorry." You say you want to know what's under his paw, in response link lifts his paw so you could see *A THORN* you think ,,Link could you lay back in my lap" you say as you sit down. Link first looks skeptical but then lays himself in to your lap. ,,Good now roll over please" you command him and so does ,,that could hurt a little." Link closes his eye and press his teeth together to alleviate the pain. #plop# You smile as how Link hasn't realized that you already pulled it out and still keeps his eyes shut. After a while Link slowly opens one eye, then the other and blinks a few times than looks at you. You have a stupid smile on, Link looks at you as in *what are you waiting for* you somehow understand him and just point to his paw.
Link looks at his paw in disbelief Link looks at you with a smile *when?" ,,I directly pulled it out but i didn't say anything because you looked so cute." You say small giggling.
Link blush, as he still lies in your lap you look at his body he everywhere has bruises and wounds you begin to feel sorry for him ,,where's your owner buddy?" Link just looks to the street.
What is he—Oh ,,you don't have a family right?" Link still looking away from you to the street and slowly nods
,,.....I'm..sorry...." Link looks back at you and gives you a lick ,,eeewwwhh"
Link Beginns laughing ,,that's not funny that's gross." Link begins more laughing,,yeah haha i get it ...stupid wolf....Hmm what do you say you wanna come with me to my home?" Links eyes sparkle with joy. He begins again jumping around and barking and wants to start walking but you stop him ,,what do you think your doing, you didn't think i would let you walk on your on did you." You say as you pick him up and drag him over your shoulder, one hand on his back and the other on his butt. *Wow that's a huge ass* you think as you take hold of it.
Link instead is red like mad because
First of he's being hold like a child despite being a huge wolf and second feeling your hand on his ass. At the beginning Link feels uncomfortable, but with time he nestle into your neck and falls into sleep. You just look at him and smile again as you press yourself tighter against him.

One a wolf the other a Human but both share the same bond..Where stories live. Discover now