Chapter 4: Freedom, not clans!

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Russet ran through the forest she had entered, she felt energy flow through her blood. She looked at all the amazing sights in front of her trees, plants, small bugs, birds flying over head, the flowers, the smells. She knew she would be happy finally having a place to call home for once. Her eyes flashed with happiness and exhilaration. She stopped to catch her breath, she perked her ears to the sound of voices. She listened carefully.

 "We are running short on members, Blackheart, you know that!" said a voice, "I know, but Violetstar, we need to do something! Prey is scarce and you know threats from other clans will be arriving soon" said one, which Russet guessed was Blackheart, and the voice from before was Violetstar. What odd names, and whats a clan? Russet though, more interested. She listened carefully, but she couldn't make out the voices anymore.

Russet licked a paw, careful to avoid her metal ones. She sudden was tackled, she let out a yelp and without thinking did a slash with her paw, her claws unsheathed, the cat got hit with both her normal and metal claws. The cat let out a yowl or pure pain and leaped off her "WHAT ARE THOSE CLAWS?!" the cat said. Russet growled, and studied the cat, it was a she-cat with black fur, but had white paws and white chest fur, with white ears but her ears were tipped grey. Russet noticed she was skinny and looked hungry, her eyes were yellow and flashing with rage, but curiosity lingered, too. "Why are you on clan territory?!" the she-cat said, "Clan? Last time I checked this land belong to no one" Russet spat. "Its MoonClan territory!" the she-cat said "and what is up with your claws? Are you some kind of freak or something?!" She said, Russet's lips drew back in a snarl, obviously offended. "So what if I am some freak?! It doesn't matter to you! You weren't trapped all your life anyways" Russet said, and a cream colored she-cat stepped between the two arguing cats, her eyes were a grey-purple, almost violet, and she had white ears with a white tail.

 "Enough!" She hissed, looking at the black and white she-cat. "Im sorry, Violetstar. I was just defending MoonClan territory." she said, "Its ok, Blackheart, but you mustn't be so rude to this cat, we haven't heard her story yet" Violetstar said, looking at Russet. "What's your name young one?" She asked. "What's it to you?" Russet spat. Violetstar looked at her, "Well, we need to find out why you're on my clans territory, intruder" Violetstar said, her voice more harsh now. "What clan?" Russet asked. "MoonClan, haven't you heard of the four clans that live here?" Violetstar asked, more gentle, Russet shook her head.

"Well, I'll give you the basic run-down. There are four clans living here in this forest. There's SunClan which is lead by a tom named Rockstar, DuskClan who is lead by Lionstar a she-cat, DawnClan Who is lead by Lightstar another she-cat, and my clan, MoonClan who is lead by me, Violetstar. On the first-quarter moon we gather in a place called Four-rocks. There, the clans gather under a truce and share news to each other." Violetstar explained. Russet nodded. "There is more to say, but I think you'll learn it when I take you back to our camp" Violetstar said, looking at Russet, who looked back at the leader of MoonClan.

"You're taking me to your home?" Russet said and Violetstar nodded "No, Im staying here, I just for freed Im not going to be taken again" Russet said and Violetstar quickly said "You won't be a prisoner, I promise. You'll just stick around for a few days and see if you like it, if you do we'll welcome you into the clan. If you don't well we might then keep you prisoner, or we might let you free." Violetstar said. "Fine" Russet rolled her eyes.

"Might I ask for your name again?" Violetstar and Blackheart said at the same time, Russet sighed "My name is Russet" She said, Violetstar and Blackheart nodded. "Well, if you join my clan, you'll be known as Russetpaw" Violetstar said. "Well, all we know is that I'm not joining your clan, so I think I'll stick with Russet thank you very much" Russet said, annoyance hinted her voice.

"Well, Russet, come with me to MoonClans camp" Violetstar said and started off into the woods, Blackheart fell beside her, a few steps back. Russet hesitated, knowing she might have the chance to run and escape, but she found herself curious and followed them into the unknown world of the clans. While going, Russet felt something tug in her mind. Wait... I forgot about Storm and Crystal they're still in the lab!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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