North Woods

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Y/n's Pov
Me and a cupple of friends decided to go out to eat even though we were broke. As we sit down Annie decides we get straight to business( you can also change any other names you want to) and start to talk about boys.

"Ok so boy talk Ruby how are you doing with that?" Annie asks

"Well I have a boyfriend, but I don't think its too serious." Ruby replies

"Ohhhhh have you guys kissed ...." Annie starts to ask again. I just trail off because I've never been in any actual relationship. Literally it seemed like whenever I go out all 24 year old men just stayed at home. All I see at the store is the elderly and now I'm starting to think that I wake up for the early bird special. However whenever I was with friends there seemed to be all the boys and they never noticed me. Sadness, but that's ok I always predicted that I was never going to get married anyways.

"So y/n hows your love life going?" Ruby asks me.

"What love life?" I say coming back to reality, " Boys my age are never out at the same time as me."

"Just like muddle school." She says sadly.

"Exactly." I say in defeat. We ordered our food and the blue cheese salad came and we all started to eat. As our food came the waiter asked if we wanted anything else.

"Can I have a long Island ice tea please?" I hear Annie ask.

"Can I have one as well?" Adds Ruby.

"Looks like I'm driving home." I say and we all share a laugh. The waiter come behind Ruby and Annie to give them their drinks that's a weird system. He sets the drinks down and says...

"Cheers!" He said it so weirdly and then I jut laughed as he walked away. Have you ever had that feeling were you were being watched becaue  that's what it felt like right now.

"Hey have you ever had the feeling of being watched?" I asked my friends.

"Yeah all the time. Why do you ask?" Ruby's answers.

"I don't know I just have that strong feeling of it you know?"

"I a way yes." Annie adds. I quickly check out my surroundings to check if our creepy waiter was staring at us. No he wasnt but nobody else was either.

Dan's Pov

"You know Phile I don't think Ill ever get a girlfriend I mean look at me." As I said this i caught a glimpse of a beautiful girl. And I couldn't stop staring. Then their waiter covered her.

"Earth to Dan." Phile says waving his hand in front of my face.

"What? Sorry." I say focusing on Phile again. Phile turns around to see what I'm looking at and notices the girl.

"Dan your staring."

"What no I'm not." As I'm saying this I was clearly starring at her. I saw her laugh and it was adorable. She must have been laughing about how the waiter came out of nowhere to give her two friends their drinks. As I was thinking about this the same waiter came to take our order. After he took our order he left to get our drinks in assuming. The beautiful girl was weird indeed she was so amazed by how the steak had lines to cut on. Which I highly doubt they were there for that reason. Then I hear her say.

"Do you guys ever feel like your being watched?" Oh no she had sensed me, but how. She started to look around and then I turned away last second and she didn't see me. I pretended as if I was having a conversation with Phil and started to talk to him.

"So Dan are you going to actually pay attention to me?"

"Yeah totally." I say not actually paying attention. Then she walks to the bathroom. Alone. This is my chance. "Ill be right back." I say to Phil as I get up to use the restroom. Then I see her walking to the restroom. I had fallowed her except stooped when I realized I couldn't go inside the girls bathroom. So I waited. I know creepy but hey this was my only chance. As she came out I acted as if I though she was someone else and built up enough courage to go and talk to her.

"Hey Louise!" I say going in to hug her. Man that was so awkward the way I did that.

"Whoa Im sorry um not Louise."

"Oh I'm sorry who are you then?"

"Im y/n."

" Im Dan!" I say placing my hand out in front of me. She takes it and shakes it. "Hey would you like to go out sometime?"


"Well you can't blame a guy for try- Wait did you just say yes?"

"Yeah why not i can't get anymore socially awkward so why not?"

"You do realize I'm a complete stranger right?l"

"Yeah, but honestly I'm 24 and haven't had an actual relationship scince 7th grade."

"Same to be honest." I say we both laugh. After realizing we were still in the front of the restrooms we got out right away not wanting to look creepier than our waiter. We exchanged phone numbers and went back go our table. She had thought I was walking her to her table then she realized I was just near her.

"Hey did you happen to be staring at me earlier?" She asks catching onto me.

"What yes mabey." I say embarrassed I start to blush.

"Its ok I know I'm beautiful. I'm just playing I know you were only wondering how an ugly human being such as my self can be alive." She says putting herself down.

"WHAT NO YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL!!" I yell after I cover my mouth and she just laughs.

"Your cute. Call me."She says then walks back to her seat.

"Smooth move Daniel." Phile says then chuckles.

"Shut up at least I asked her out and she though I was cute." I say smiling. I look over and see her looking over so I wave, but it seemed really awkward so we both  started laughing uncontrollably.

Y/n's pov

"Girl what was that?" Annie asks.

"I don't know, but after so many years I actually have a date." I say squealing. I look over to Dan and wave. He waves back, but it so awkward that we both start to laugh.

-      -

Hey thanks for suffering yeah I'm not the best writer but you don't have to read if you don't want to. Yeah also I may be doing a part two to this like the date after. Ok thanks for reading bye👋👋

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