The Heart of Ajs An'hlj @akinabalu

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Star log: 2301

A fleet of seven Terrac Exploration Spaceships, headed by the First Guardian were hovering outside of Ajs An'hlj galaxy.

By the way, Ajs An'hlj stands for Anjust Anhalej in the language of the Terrac Humanoid, otherwise known as The Atlantis.

The words Ajs An'hlj is simply meant Milky Way Galaxy.

For eon, the Terrac Humanoid had been visiting the Solar System in the Milky Way.

To them, it was the most important System within the Milky Way because it was there where they had their first colony.

"Admiral, we had scanned the whole of Ajs An'hlj but still no response from Captain Anjust Ahee of the Atlantis!" reported Captain Anjust Stokli, the commander of the First Guardian flagship.

"That's funny.... They are supposed to contact us and not playing hide-in-seek with us." responded Admiral Anjust Ankos, a tall Terrac with thick white beard.

"Sir, we detected a faint signal from the Mediterranean Sea in Planet Terra 3!" reported the Communication Officer.

"On screen!" Captain A. Stokli ordered pointing to the Mega Screen.

Suddenly the whole Mega Screen, in front of the Bridge flashed showing a magnified location of a rocky isle in the Mediterranean Sea of Planet Terra 3 where the signal came.

"Identify!" Captain A. Ankos said and soon a soft voice of a woman filled the Bridge, "Communication: Medium-Range VI Maco. Holder: Captain Anjust Jonn of the Sector Mediterranean V, Terrac 3 of Solar System. Message: Homo Truk approaching. Support: Refer Code XIX."

"Activate Code XIX citing reference to Captain Anjust Jonn!"

Suddenly a serial of video clips flashed onto another screen as if the computer were scanning the whole incoming video for authenticity and clarity.

Everyone at the Bridge gasped as the recorded video flashes clearly showing the attack of a brute-like humanoid, Homo Truk, upon a convoy of three Terrac Automobiles moving across the Sahara Desert.

How Homo Truk emerged from the dune was just unbelievable; waves after waves of the brute rammed onto the thick skin of the Automobiles, in spite of several blasts of sonic cannons echoed in the desert smashing the brute to pieces yet others continued to swarm around the convoy.

One of the leading Automobiles made a stunning leap upon the hordes of brutes, unleashing two small missiles ahead.

Upon reaching its target, it exploded with such a fury that shook the ground sending hundreds of the charging brutes flying, smashing against the desert rocks.

When the smoke cleared, the remaining Homo Truk turned tail, leaving behind thousands dead.

After thr video briefing, Admiral Anjust Ankos send for Captain Anjust Patho, the Squadron Leader of Leon X Elite Force to his private room.

Captain A. Patho saluted Admiral A. Ankos as the latter walked to the door. As he stepped inside, a string of lights on the wall came to life making the dim room bright.

"Thank you for coming Captain Anjust Patho. Please take a seat!"

Once they were seated, Admiral A. Ankos said, "Captain, I see that we have a situation in Terra 3 of the Solar System. First, Captain Anjust Ahee of the Leo Prime is missing. Secondly, Captain Anjust Jonn of the Sector Mediterranean V was attacked by Homo Truk and he himself is also missing!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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