Chapter One

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This world can be cruel, and it gets hard to see the good. To do good in this world, you must be a fighter. Some people aren't fighters and end up dying, aka, suicide. Some people go crazy. Some are liars and cheaters. Sometimes I wish I could fix everything. If I could, I would make everyone look the same so people couldn't fall in love with people for their looks. There wouldn't be any religion. And, I would find a way to cure every disease. But, I can't. What would the world be like if I could do all that though?

My name is Avariella, it means small, strong woman. My mom was raised in a horrible town, and always wished she could change things. Sadly, she died when I was four. I ran into the road and a car was coming so she pushed me out of the road and got hit. She was in the hospital for three days but then died. Ever since, my dad has blamed her death on me. He became an alcoholic and started abusing me. Every night, I wished that someone would save me. I wished and wished, but no help ever came. On my 14th birthday, I did what I did every night. I wished for help. I lay down in the bed and try to sleep before I start crying. It seemed like forever before the sun rose. I wiped my eyes and started getting ready for school. I checked the time. It was 5:32 and I had to leave at 6:50. I picked out an outfit and got in the shower. I turned on the hot water. I heard the door start to open. "Dad, I'm in the shower," I shouted. The door continued opening. I panicked, I thought he was gonna hit me. "Hello?" I heard a strange voice. "Avariella?"

"Who are you? What are you doing in my house?" I yelled.

"I am Brochan, you wished on a star last night." He walked in.

(Brochan- Pronounced broken.)

I screamed. "Get out! You aren't supposed to walk in on someone when they aren't dressed." I slapped him. He walked out and apologized. I dried off and got dressed. I walked into my room and he was sitting on my bed. He looked up. "You wanted me to help you change this world, right?" 

"Yes, it's what I've wished for every night since I was four. But why didn't you help me then?"

"You wished on other stars, if you would have wished on me I would have helped you. The other stars don't like helping people, and some have already went out."


"It's actually not too hard to understand. The first statement is actually correct; when you look at the stars you are seeing them as they once were. Light travels rapidly—as far as we know, it's the fastest thing in the Universe—but it's not infinitely fast. At 300,000 kilometers per second (186,000 miles per second), it takes light more than eight minutes to get from the closest star to Earth; you can think of it as seeing the Sun as it was eight minutes ago. The nearest known star to the Sun is the Alpha Centauri triple-star system, and light takes more than four years to get from there to here."

"Okay, I didn't ask you to teach me weird facts about stars. I need you to help me fix this world." 

"But first, you need to go to school." He snapped his fingers. I looked at the time, it was still 5:32. 

"How'd you do that?"

"I am a god star, I can do anything." He laughed. I finished getting ready and continued talking to Brochan.

"Why is your name Brochan?"

"Because I am egg shaped." He laughed awkwardly

"Oh. Do you other stars make fun of you?" I looked at him. He had bright yellow hair and bright blue eyes. He had a black hoodie and jeans.

"No, we don't act like humans. We don't need to argue or make fun of people."

"Are there girls stars?"

"Well, technically we aren't stars. We are gods and goddesses.  We are born when a new star is born, but when our star dies we die. And when someone wishes on our star we must help them!" He explained. He looked at the time. "It's almost time for you to go."

"Are you going to stay here or come with me?" I wondered

"Well, I will follow you. You are the only one that can see or hear me."

"Okay." I got up, grabbed my backpack, and started walking to school. He followed and didn't talk to me. We saw two people trying to kill a cat with a rock. I yelled at them, "Hey, leave it alone."

"Who's gonna stop us?" They pulled out knives. Brochan muttered something and then I ran after them and punched them. "Avariella stop!" He yelled after me. They stabbed me in my right arm. I kicked them then grabbed the cat and ran. They started chasing me. Brochan started running beside me. We went to the hospital because the knife got me really good. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2017 ⏰

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