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Lost: unable to find one's way; not knowing one's whereabouts.

Don't be silent.

Mental illnesses should never be overlooked.

If you think you need it, please seek out help.

He has been giving little hints, but no one seemed to notice, except his sister.

She called the police but they showed up 2 hours later.

Isn't that scary?

Someone that you know or love could be dropping hints about ending their life ever so subtly.

Their thoughts could be tearing them apart piece by piece and you wouldn't know.

You have no idea how many people put a mask on every day to hide how they actually feel.

Everyone has their own demon.

You don't know how everyone actually feels on the inside.

And when you do get a glimpse of what they're dealing with, it may be too late.

Don't take the loved ones around you for granted.

You never know what is going to happen.

Please don't be silent.

"The demons are back and stronger than ever. They are looking for a fight. Looking to win. And this time, I might just let them." -k.c.w.

In the honor of Kim Jonghyun. I hope he rests well, that he's finally happy, and not so lonely anymore.  He will forever be missed. ❤️

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