Chapter 1 - The Fall

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A/N: So guys, I've decided to start writing again. After a long break from writing & reading, I've realised that writing makes me very very happy and so I decided that I would start writing again. I felt like something was missing and just the other week it clicked that it was in fact, writing. I don't know about you but I feel like writing is an art that everyone can enjoy - through short stories, one shots, fanfics, teen fics, absolutely anything - everyone can enjoy it and that's what I love about it. It's an escape and your audience are friends who enjoy the same things you do. 

I'm sorry this is a longwinded author's note but I thought I should explain everything. Also, if you did like "It Started With A Text" then I will definitely consider re-starting that. Don't be afraid to give me constructive criticism as it will help me develop as a writer. 

As always, 

Love & peace - Courtney :) 


"RUN!" A familiar voice shouted, snapping me back to reality. How could this be happening? I lifted myself up off of the makeshift bed and started to run towards the fire exit.

"Guillermo! Where are you?" I cried out. My brother was nowhere to be seen - not that I would have been able to hear him over the deafening bang of an explosion.  From the source, bright orange and red flames arose cutting off any thoughts of turning back and searching for anyone. Thoughts raced through my mind, is anyone waiting outside? Am I going to be the only survivor? Would I survive by myself?

All my life I've been protected by my brother, Guillermo and his friends: Miguel, his cousin Felipe, and Jorge. Are any of them alive? Cursing myself as I realised that I had once again drifted away into my own world, I shook my head and started running towards the door again. 

Cursing in pain, I fell to the ground as I felt a searing heat in my left leg. A bullet from the scavengers attacking us had penetrated my thigh but luckily it went straight through. Working through the pain, I limped out of the old nursing home and away to our rendezvous point where I just hoped somebody would be waiting for me.   

I arrived at the old petrol station a few miles down the road from the nursing home. I had a knife in my holster which I hovered my hand over ready to attack if anything/one were to surprise me. Accidentally kicking a rock, the pain in my thigh brought me back to reality. I would never be able to defend myself with this shot leg. Making a quick decision, I decided to just stick to the shadows as nowadays, I was more afraid of the living the the dead - or rather, the undead. The people who attacked us, were most definitely the same people who took half of our guns. The people who shot Felipe in the backside. The people who were responsible for the death of over twenty of the care home residents we had in our care. In the world we live in today, people should be coming together. 

After a while, I heard footsteps approaching. Heavy, masculine footsteps and a lot of them. There was more than one person. Which meant there were too many for me to take on. Too many to attack. Too many to defend against.

Everything happened so suddenly, a man put a hand around my mouth and said, "Don't move. It'll just make your life a lot harder." He breathed on my neck, reeking of dirt, sweat and blood. The next thing I knew a blindfold was being placed over my eyes and I was in complete and utter darkness.

I tried to scream, my arms were tied and I was completely defenseless. This only led to me getting kicked and a man, a different man, saying, "Stop fighting us. You're safe. We're going to take you back to camp. We just have to take a few precautions. You know how it is - how it has to be."
His voice was raspy and thin, he sounded tired, worn out and on the verge of breaking. Do bad things happen to bad people? No.

He spoke again, "Come on, let's move."

They tried to guide me towards somewhere but as I took a step I cried out in pain, they hadn't realised I was wounded.

"Crap, she's bit!" Another different voice, young and full of life. How many men did they have? I tried to tell them, it's a gunshot wound! But all that came out were muffled screams. Thankfully they decided to let me speak which meant I could put faces to these voices.

The owner of, what I assume, the raspy voice is tall and worn. Wearing a sheriff outfit complete with a hat. He was clean shaven with eyes like the sea. He looked worried, but what did I care? He had a .44 Magnum in his holster partnered with a knife which looked eerily like Miguel's.

"What's your name?" He asked with curiosity flickering in his eyes.

"Avery." I replied bluntly and curtly.

Then there was a man of a similar age but a lot more redneck. He was tanned, saw a lot of the sun but he had something on his mind. He was wearing a leather waist coat with a crossbow slung across his shoulder.

There were two more men, an Asian man who didn't look older than 19 with rugged black hair who just seemed anxious to get of the streets. The last man was probably the most interesting. A black tall man looked as if he was actually a nice guy. He was quite plump but he looked like he could crack heads like nuts if he felt like.

I made the connection. The knife was Miguel's and we had just been attacked. Turning to the first man I said,

"I was shot," Fury was burning in my heart and lit up my eyes with rage, "by you filthy people." I spat at their feet, my face scrunching up in disgust. I never did like spitting.

"I don't know who you think you are," The raspy voice continued, "But we did not shoot you and you're coming with us until I know what to do with you. Stop whining. T-Dog, carry her. We can't have her alerting all the walkers in a five mile radius." He nodded to the black man, who I now knew as T-Dog, to carry me who gave an understanding nod back. He hoisted me up with no problem at all after blindfolding me again.


"The van, it's gone!" Glenn shouted, "who would've taken it?"

"Merle." Who was Merle? Why did he sound so villain-y? Why had he stolen his own groups van?

"We'll just have to walk." Rick sighed, "or in some cases, carried." I'm assuming he shot me a look but I couldn't see if he did.

We started on our journey again, to what I assume was their camp. They were whispering amongst themselves but all I could think was:

Am I going to die?


A/N: Yes I know, another one 😒 please let me know what you think! Also, the relationship will come between Rick and Avery but first I want to build the characters up and move it slowly. Enjoy!!

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