Amnesia and Creations

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My head pounds, and my knees are weak. Every time I trace it back, it all stops at running. Running. All I can remember is running, not even my name comes back to me. I don't know where I am, or how I got here. I can only think back to that one night, where footsteps echoed back to me on pavement, as my lungs drew in icy air, my own heart beating loud and strong in my chest. My vision blurs in and out, until I can finally put my surroundings into focus. All there is is a sterile white room, no doors, no windows. I'm laying down on a white bed, with sterile, clean, white sheets and pillows. Somehow I know that someone is watching me from somewhere. There has to be a hidden camera, I can feel that prickly sensation that sets my nerves aflame. I slowly sit up, wincing instantly, and look down at myself. I seem to be fine for the most part, other than sets of neat stitches on my arms and legs. My head hurts like mad, so I pace myself. I slide off the bed, my bare feet meeting the cold tile floor. I'm dressed in a hospital gown, matching the all white room. Perhaps it's a theme. I slowly walk around the room, looking for a way out, or at least a clue as to where I am. Suddenly, a door materializes on a wall, appearing from nowhere. I know it hadn't been there before, and I wonder how it was so perfectly hidden. It slides open, and a pair of people in intimidating and strange uniforms walk towards me, trays in their hands. I back up against a wall as they draw closer, my gaze darting back and forth between them. "Now, now, calm down. You're alright." The taller one says, speaking through a mask. "Who are you? Where am I? What is that?" I ask frantically, my heart rate accelerating instantly. The tools on the tray don't look friendly, considering one has a wicked looking needle, with wires and lights, and the other tray holds a syringe, as well as cups of fowl smelling liquids. "Hush, talk later. Sit in your bed." The stranger tells me, a much harsher tone in their voice. I heed them, but make a mental note to not let them touch me with any of the odd devices. Tables shoot up from the floor, and they set down the trays. One pulls wipes out, and grabs my arm roughly, where I notice a tattoo I've never seen before. It's some sort of plant, and it takes me a moment to place it as a vine of ivy. They swab my arm with the wipe, which begins stinging for a second. Afterwards, the other sizes me up, and aims at the tattoo with sharp needle. I try to escape, but it's plunging into my arm before I know it, causing me to cry out. My headache makes a vengeful reappearance, the pain racking my body. I begin trembling, as they funnel the liquids into tubes leading into the needle, which in turn floods into my arm. It feels like fire, burning me on the inside, and traveling through my whole body, sending me into painful and inescapable spasms. The second liquid, dyed bright blue, cools me down, until they add a green one, which makes me feel like I'm growing and shrinking impossibly fast, as if my bones are lengthening and stretching out my skin and muscles before I can adapt. A yellow fluid is next, which gives me an overwhelming feeling of pain, as I pick up scents that crowd my nostrils, sounds that pierce my eardrums, everything touching me becomes rough and extremely abrasive, my eyes are stabbed with the brightness of the white and colored liquids, and I taste things I can't even describe. Then is a deep violet fluid, which is mixed carefully with an exact amount of shimmery golden stuff, before being injected into my arm. I'll never be able to escape that feeling of pain, like my insides were taken out of my body, and shoved into another skin, and another after that, changing constantly, me unable to stop or even black out in order to end the feelings. After that, they clean up and leave, but I'm no longer in control of my own body. I spend an undetermined amount of time curled up in a fetal position, enduring torturous pain.

After the spasms end, I black out, and don't wake up for a long time. When I do, it's like my body no longer feels right on me, as if I somehow outgrew it. Tubes are hooked up to my arms, channeling water into me, to keep my alive. I'm still in a pure white room, which looking at scorches my eyes. I have to blink several times before is adjust, feeling exhausted and drained. This time, I catch the panel as it opens, an entire section of a wall moving to show the door. A more friendly looking doctor comes in this time, checking my vitals, and writing everything down on a clipboard. She speaks into a radio, and leaves, a man taking her place. He also carries a clipboard, but I'd never peg him as a doctor. He has a more businessman vibe, maybe because of the suit and tie he wears. I notice a large table as it appears, folded clothes on it. "Well hello! So nice to finally see you while you're awake." He greets me, the sound hurting my ears. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions, so I'll do my part to answer them as best I can. First, I'll go over some basic information about you, and why you're here. My name is Jack, and I'm a supervisor for Project N. Project N is an organization aimed at manipulating evolution in humans in order to study the next race, and how to help our species survive on other planets. You will be sent to live on another planet, one where we have already established bases and military outposts. You're DNA has been manually changed by our best scientists, in order to allow your body to undergo certain transformations. Now ask away." Jack explains. "Ok... who am I?" I start. "You're patient number 74. As for your name, they've begun calling you.. oh here it is. They named you Indira Nightsong. Which means your transition family will be the Nightsongs, how lovely. You're an 18 year old female, turning 19 on the 14th of December. Today's date is the 12th of May. Your new family will have a mother, father, and a younger daughter." Jack beams. Indira. Indira. It repeats in my head, until I'm sure I've locked it away in my empty memories. "Alright... So, what did I become? What can I do, how am I different than humans?" I ask next, weighing my words carefully, using a very neutral tone. "Good question, so glad you asked! Every patient will be slightly different, but you all have a few basic skills. You're more durable, and have far more stamina and energy, and depending on other things, you'll be able to run a short burst at high speeds, or keep going at a moderate pace for a very long time. You're a lot stronger, your power increasing depending on what DNA they mixed in you. You have keener senses, and you could be have more predatory skills, or have evasive tactics. You also have telepathy. You could have other skills, like telekinesis, depending on how strong you are mentally. Of course, you'll be put though intensive training regimens, to improve your skills so you can be sent out into the world." Jack says. "What DNA is in me?" I ask coldly. "Your file says you have... the DNA of mainly predatory animals from the Planet Adriel. That means you'll be much stronger than most candidates, have sharp hunter instincts, camouflage, increased stamina with a higher level of speed. Unfortunately, we made a few errors splicing your genes... The goal was to create a human resemblance, with extraterrestrial characteristics, all in one body. With you, the genes combined differently... You have an almost completely inhuman structure, other than bone structures, height, and facial features. ... Meaning you'll be sent to a different camp than the others, most likely on Hathor or Eros, with people like you. Today you will get a makeover of your choice, and be sent to your new family. You'll live with them, but every day, you'll go to your training center. That's all I can tell you, I'm on a schedule you see. Well, Indira, good luck!" Jack smiles cheerfully, leaving me behind in the clean room. I sit in silence, numbed by the discovery of my new skills. Why me, of all people? Why would they choose me to become one of their projects. I just want to have my life back. At least I think I do, seeing as I can't remember any of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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