Chapter 1

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EREN'S POV (for now...)


"Oh you must be Eren right?" Erwin asked glancing up from his paperwork and extending his hand.

I smile back at Erwin taking his hand and noticing the gigantic eyebrows on this guy's face.

"That's me. I'm here for the job?" I ask politely, casting my eyes downwards. Currently I'm standing in a cramped, overheated excuse for an office, which I'm assuming belongs to Eyebrows here. There is a small desk squeezed into the centre of the room where Erwin is seated, surrounded by mountains of paperwork.

"Yes...yes! Of course you are. You look much younger than you said you were however. But you brought your birth certificate, yes?"

I smile nervously "I-I've already had the interview with Mr. Pixis? L-last week?"

There is a small silence where I can feel his gaze on me. assessing me? judging me? I feel my face heating up. I shuffle my feet in discomfort as i glance back up to meet the blonde's eyes. Well, attempt to meet his eyes that happen to be hiding under his monstrous, blonde eyebrows.

Without warning he suddenly stands, smiling that fake smile. He shuffles around to the other side of the desk, a mere metre between us. I resist the urge to step back but i doubt that I'd even be able to in this tiny space. I feel my face growing hotter and the urge to run like crazy increasing to intense levels. I tug down the sleeve of my hoodie, more out of habit than anything. Erwin seemed to have noticed the awkward silence because, to my relief, he broke it.

"Ah yes of course. Now I remember. You're here early. Good. I like punctuality. I think we'll get along very well, Eren. So you may call me Erwin, the rest of the guys do. I'll set you up with..." he turns to grab a bundle of dark clothing sitting on his desk and hands them to me "...these. They should fit you. There's a changing room out the back. It shouldn't be hard to find. And I'll be setting you up with a trainer for a week or two so you can get a good handle on things. He'll be able to introduce you to the rest of the crew." he finished, gesturing to the door.

I ducked out quickly, wanting to get as far away from that office and the close proximity to my new boss. I suppressed a sigh of relief as the less suffocating air of Maria's hit me. The office was situated near the back of the cafe, just off from the kitchen that i had walked through earlier. I had only seen two other people when walking through. Two girls. One with glasses and another with blondish hair. The blonde girl had smiled at me encouragingly while the other had looked as though she wanted to dissect me.

Sighing, I walked down a corridor to the right of the office. After passing what looked like a staffroom i came upon two doors with the little stick figures on them. I slowly pushed open the men's change room to find an even smaller space than Erwins traumatic office. One of the walls was lined with little pigeon holes that people had dumped their clothes and bags in. Opposite to the door was another door that i assumed led to a toilet or something. Finding an empty space at the very bottom I chucked my bag into it and then proceeded to take off my favourite red hoodie. I then took off my shirt, praying to god no one would walk in. I averted my eyes from my scarred body and quickly threw on the  blacks clothes Erwin had given me. They fit surprisingly well.

My outfit included black jeans and a short sleeved, black shirt with 'Maria's' written in fancy red writing on the left pocket.

Short sleeves??? Shit shit shit what do i do? I thought frantically. I glanced at my hoodie, wondering if i could get away with wearing it over the top of my new uniform. No they wouldn't allow that. I sucked in a breath, cursing my stupidity. I paced as well as i could in this small space, trying to think of a good reason for the bandages lining my the length of both my arms but since the room was only a step or two in length i ended up just spinning in circles.

I probably look like a maniac right now. Better to just say i was in a motorbike accident or something. It sounds relatively reasonable and maybe a little cool.

I sigh, running a hand through my short brown hair, trying to flatten it. I decide to just suck it up and step out. It's only a three hour shift anyway...

I make sure my phone is hidden beneath my jumper before i walk out only to be met with sight of-

"Oi brat. What the fuck was taking so long? Were you taking a shit or something?"

Soooooooo? How'd i do? Please tell me what you thought!! Please? I'm open to any criticism to improve my writing or if you just want to say this sucks really badly then DO IT!! I DARE YOU!! I WILL FIND WHERE YOU LIVE...uhhh...sorry bout that. First story. Little nervous. But please leave a comment? I'll update it if you do. I know it was a pretty boring intro but it gets better!! I promise!!

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