Interview P.1

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Y/N slammed her books onto the desk while slouching in her comfy chair, she moaned and groaned as the stubborn teacher approached her and put a whole shit load of homework on Y/N's desk. "Really, I have to do this? I'm not some good old tissues like you Mrs Johnson" Mrs Johnson snatched her phone out of her hands and walked away ashamed of calling her a student at her "posh" school. Y/N was so pissed off that she started stomping her way out of the classroom and into this office where Finn Wolfhard was having an interview. She couldn't believe her eyes. Finn smiled and waved polietly at Y/N and she blushed and smile. (i have multi answers so once you choose one you have to keep that)

(awkward way) Y/N decides to wave back and smile and fall into his beautiful puppy eyes, but being a clusts, you fall over a rock and into him.

(none awkward way)) Y/N decides to just wave and look the other way so Y/N wouldn't seem like a clusts or a creep.

(if you decided to fall into finn) "I am very very sorry finn, im such a clusts" *Finn laughs at Y/N* "It's quite alright, I mean even if it wasn't an accident I wouldn't of been able to meet you, am I right? *Y/N blushes* "aww thank you"

(if you decide to not fall into finn) "Hello, I am finn. You are?" "Oh me, um im Y/N" "That's a nice name" "Um yeah I think i'm gonna be sick, i gtg.

HoPe YoU LiKe mY FiRsT FiNn ImAgInEs 🐶❤

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