Fadeless Radio Funny interview

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Translated gossip and reports from the GazettE's Fadeless Promotion event (funny)

August 31, 2013 by Ioner in The GazettE (ガゼット) and tagged Aoi, れいた, ガゼット, ルキ, campaign, event, 鈴木 亮, 葵, 高島 宏陽, 麗, FADELESS Promotion, funny, gossip, japan, jrock, Kai, Matsumoto Takanori, Reita, reports, Ruki, Shiroyama Yuu, Suzuki Akira, Takashima Kouyou, the GazettE, translated, Uke Yutaka, uruha, visual kei, 城山 優, 戒, 松本 たかのり

What happened at the FADELESS Promotion event? GazettEnoUra has translated a lot of fun gossip and reports on twitter. Make sure to follow her/him: GazettEnoUra


Speaking about FADELESS

Radio DJ: Aoi-san too had something to do with a woman, hadn't he?

Aoi: Eh?

DJ: In the PV, right? At some points you appeared without playing your guitar!

Aoi: No! *laugh* That one.. *laugh* .. wasn't a woman! *laughs and points Uruha out*

Reita and Ruki were laughing, they tried to hold it in but they couldn't.

DJ: Mh? Uruha-san?

Uruha wasn't really paying attention, he was startled for a bit and took the microphone.

Uruha: Eh...?

DJ: You weren't listening to what we were saying, were you?

All the others burst out laughing.

Uruha: I'm sorry! *smile* The PV? Yes, we shot some scenes together, Aoi and I, after a long time. It was cool!

Ruki said that when Reita's in hotels, he washes his noseband and lays it down by himself.


Fan: Do you ever argue with Reita?

Uruha: Eh? It happens a lot! *laugh*

Fan: And who gives in first?

Uruha: Mhh... maybe me? *smile*


Still speaking about FADELESS shooting

DJ: Kai-san, how was it for you?

Kai: It was really tiring! Since the drums are behind everyone, I had to play for each scene of each member.

DJ: How many times did you have to play more or less?

Kai: Mhn.. more or less the length of the PV but Ruki's part ... we had to do it a lot of times!! I was always told "one more time!" but I was actually filmed very few times!

Ruki: If it wasn't for Kai, I'd have shot the scene again and again.


Speaking about the festival in Russia

DJ: This summer you took part to different festivals, how was it in Russia? Reita-san..

Reita: Ehm it was... far! *looks at Ruki's face*, it took us about 30 hours to reach it... *looks at Aoi's face* ...it was far away!


Still speaking about festivals

Ruki: I wanted to perform with a T-shirt but in the end we thought it was better like that (with FADELESS outfits). I think Reita suffered the most because of the heat!

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