Chapter 1

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Rain had arrived at her house after school and pulled in the driveway. She gathered her school stuff and purse then opened the car door, and stepped outside. She locked her car and walked to the front door, opening it to call to her parents.

"Mom! Dad! I'm-" Rain stopped mid-sentence when she saw her parents and two men dressed in black sitting in the living room. There was an uneasy silence that filled the room.

"What's going on?" She asked wearily, setting her stuff on the ground by the floor. The men on the other couch were extremely masculine. One had greying hair and a little stubble on his chin. His face was round and squishy, the bagged wrinkles under his eyes very noticeable. The man next to him was much younger, and man, what a hunk. He had blonde shaggy hair that went no lower than his eyebrow line. His face was perfectly chiseled with amazing bone structure. He could make any girl swoon over him.

"Sweetie, we have to talk." Her mom said. "These men are telling us that you have some... special abilities."

The man with the grey hair stood; "That's right. We have been tracking you ever since you were little. We want you to be a part of our testing facilities, so we can find out what exactly makes you tick. We have offered your parents a great deal of money to take you off their hands and come stay with us for the rest of your life."

Shock filled Rain's body. "You guys said no, right?" she asked her parents hopefully.

No answer.

"You said no, right?" Rain said more harshly.

"Rain, you're coming with us." The grey-haired man spoke viciously. "Miles, take her to the van."

Rain screamed and tried to get away as the blonde hunk tried to restrain her. "This isn't right! This must violate some type of human trafficking law! How could you? How could you do this to your own daughter!" Rain screamed. She tried to escape Mile's grasp, but he was just too strong. A rag covered her mouth and she started to get light headed. Her thrashing became weaker and her vision blackened. The last thing Rain saw was her parents staring at her before her entire world went black.


Rain's blue eyes flickered open to a white room lit by fluorescent lighting. Her arms and legs were strapped down to a chair. She began to panic and thrash around in her chair, calling for help. There was a click, then a beep behind her. Rain whipped her head around and looked at the noise. A door had opened, and Miles was standing at the entrance.

Rain snarled. "You! Get out! Get out of here!"

Miles ignored her and started walking towards her.

"Don't take another step! Stop! Go away! Stay away- "

By then Miles had reached her chair, locking eyes with her. He knelt beside her chair, so they were eye level. Her Icy blue eyes met his deep grey ones. Miles smiled lightly.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I hated doing that to you, but it's my job. When the big boss people aren't around, I promise I'm a friend. I was brought here just like you were. Granted it was a long time ago, but I know what it is like to be in here. I am not the bag guy, I promise."

Rain couldn't help but believe him. Mile's words were so comforting. She nodded gently after he was done talking. Miles gave her a crooked smile and unstrapped her arms and legs.

"Come on, it's time to meet the other subjects," Miles replied and gestured for her to follow him. Rain nodded and walked after him out of the door. They walked through a maze of hallways. Rain looked around. Every wall looked the same as the last. It must take ages to learn to navigate this thing. The arrived two solid steel doors. Miles entered a keypad pin into the wall and the doors clicked open. Miles turned around to face Rain and smiled.

"Welcome to the common room."

Rain slowly entered the small room. There were multiple couches and chairs in the middle of the room. Off to the right was some desks what looked like work tables, then to the right was a large bookshelf. The other people in the room looked at her with wide eyes and whispered to each other while glancing at her, then above her head. Her face got red with embarrassment as she looked over her shoulder. Above the door, she entered from, was a large screen TV playing the news. Rain's picture was on the screen as a missing person. The next scene flashed, and the news anchor was interviewing her parents. Her mother was balling her eyes out while her father explained that she was taken during the night and they haven't seen or heard from her since. Rain frowned and turned away from the TV, tucking a strand of her deep brown, wavy hair behind her ear.

There was laughter coming from behind the walls to her right, she turned her attention to a piece of the wall that magically slid open and out walked two twin brothers. They were the literal definition of tall, dark, and handsome. These twins both had dark hair and deep chocolate brown eyes. Their smiles sparkled as they joked with each other. You could practically see the muscle outlines under their shirts. They were very tall with amazing facial structures, high cheekbones and extremely sharp jawlines. How did two such beautiful human beings end up in hell?

"Sweetheart, you're staring."

Rain snapped back to reality and the twins were right in front of her, looking down at her with little smirks on their perfect faces. She felt her face heat up and she looked down at the ground.

"Ah... sorry." She chuckled lightly in embarrassment.

The twin who had spoken to her before chuckled. "No worries, I'm Grayson, and this is my brother Ethan."

"Rain." She smiled and waved a little. "Nice to meet you."

"Interesting name, I like it," Ethan said with a crooked smile.

Grayson nodded. "I like it a lot. Very unique."

Rain felt her face heating up. "Thank you." She smiled lightly. Grayson's voice was light and comforting, while Ethan's was a little more rough and airy.

"Why don't I give you the grand tour?" Grayson smiled radiantly. "Over there, where we walked out of, is the cafeteria, and over there," Grayson pointed to a door straight across from the cafeteria on the other side of the room, "That is the training room. Your powers don't work in either here or the cafeteria, but they work in the training room, so we have to get permission to use that."

"Hold on." Rain raised her hands up in the air to stop them from speaking. "Did you say powers?" She asked them, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

Grayson and Ethan's faces filled with surprise. "You mean, you didn't know you were a supernatural?" Ethan asked Rain, extremely surprised.

"Super huh?" Rain questioned, dumbfounded.

Grayson and Ethan looked at each other and smiled. "That means we get to help you figure out how to control your powers!" Ethan exclaimed happily.

"Take off your shirt," Grayson said.

Rain looked extremely offended. "Look you're hot and all but we just met." She snapped, getting defensive.
Grayson's face turned bright red. "No! I didn't mean like that!" he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. "When you first get here they undergo small tests to figure out what your powers are then they tattoo them along with a number on your back." He paused. "Wait did you just say I was hot?"

"I have a tattoo now? Great." Rain rolled her eyes. She turned her back to the twins and lifted her shirt up. "Do you see it? What does it say?"

Ethan knelt slightly and looked at the tattoo on her back. "Your subject number is TX009, and your power is..." Ethan's voice faded slightly looking at the smaller print on her back. "Gray... Look."

Grayson looked at her back as well, his mouth gaped open lightly and his eyebrows raised in surprise.

Rain turned around. "What is it? Is it bad?" She asked worryingly.

The twin brothers looked at each other in shock and amazement. "Rain," Ethan began, "You have Boundary Manipulation."

"What does that mean?" Rain questioned with an eyebrow raise.

"You can manipulate the boundaries of existence, and since everything is separated by boundaries, you can literally take control of anything human and godly possible," Grayson explained. "They only appear once every 100 centuries. Rain, you are the most powerful being in existence."

Subject TX009Where stories live. Discover now