stranger to the world

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The year is 2020.
The world is quiet different from before. Desolation, the smell of burning flesh, and rotting corpses. The NWO had taken reign 2 years previously and promised the world that life would be better. Yeah better for themselves. As she  trampled through the town wads and wads of paper money littered the streets-a cashless society.  Raquel. A solitary woman,  but very street wise. Wadded through the debre of litter. What was she to do now? She was on the run from the government. Two years in hiding after she was forced to leave her family home when she refused to take the Implant.
However, she was prepared for the day and the hour because when she was younger she knew she was different from other people. She would say to her earth parents " mom, why do I not enjoy what everyone else does, why do people hate me?"  "Child, we 're not of this world. You know that" we must wait patiently for our mashiach to return. Then we can go home".
" Owwww. I hate this.  It's so not fair!"
Life isn't fair sweetheart but we must keep going. Not long now.  "
That night, Raquel fell into a deep sleep. After about half of an hour she heard a soft, deep voice. " Raquel, listen to me."  It was her Mashiach.  " I have heard your petition and it saddens me greatly to know your pain, you must percevere a while longer my child."
"But mashiach, it's killing me to watch all the filth that's going on. I hate what you hate. Why give me sight of corruption. Every where I look there's  slime and sludge everywhere. The oppression is so heavy I can barely breathe!!"
You are at the age now where you need to know the truth. You might hate it now but the truth is setting you  free. Now listen to me. Time is short for you. The NWO are organizing a implant so that nobody can purchase anything. You won't be able to buy food,clothes and the worst of it is" . With a deep intake of breath he carried on. " You or your family will not be able to get medical help with out it"
Raquel s eyes opened wide with shock, horror, and dismay.
So... what shall I do? she asked with a look of helplessness.
" you need to start preparing for the days ahead".  " days!!!?.
Yes days I'm afraid.
The underlord  has but a short time to reign on Earth before my Son and his army must come and execute judgement on him.
In the meantime you must leave. Gather all your preparations and go. IF your family chose to go with you the all is well. But you must be prepared to go it alone.
But do not despare. I will be with you always and I will guide on your way to safety.  With that she woke suddenly feeling overwhelmed, worried and panic started to grope her chest and throat.  Walking down to the kitchen pondering what to do.
Her  earth mother could see by her face there was something troubling her. What's up dear?  You seem troubled. Stroking her hair off her face.
Ermmm... there's something we need to discuss around the table tonight. You dad and me. By the look on Raquel s face she could see  that Raquel was serious. I'll call your dad and tell him.

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