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Dear Universe,

Hey, it's been a ages since the last time. And I'm still the fucked up guy who needs to talk to you once in a while. I just have one question, but can you really answer it for me?

So when life gives you lemons? Do you own it? Throw it? Or don't mind it?

Cause life right now is giving me plenty of those, and I'm not sure on how to handle them. Is it fine to just pretend to be okay and not to deal with it at all? It is okay to pass it down to someone else? Is it okay to own it and be responsible for it and end up miserable?

Cause now, I honestly don't know the answer anymore. I still have my principles intact, but sometimes I saw lapses at my judgment of what was right or wrong. So how do we really consider things when if it's wrong or right? Do we only need to feel it? Or do we need a proper mind for it?

You now see, that I'm a mess drowning in his own thoughts. Trying to get by, limping through day and night just to survive. What's the real meaning of surviving? Is it getting through the challenges? Is it living the life that you wanted? Or is it by merely existing? Cause honestly, I don't know anymore.

So again now that I have too many questions in mind, universe. Can you help me find the answers?

Much love,


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