Chapter 1

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"Eurgh! Leave me alone Anna!" for the final time, I, Veronique Gregory, (call me Ron) pushed my sister (one of many) Annabelle out of my way as I stormed down the corridor to my room.  

They weren't really my sisters. We (8 of us) were all adopted from different parts of the world because Shane and Amanda (the parents) couldn't have kids no matter what they try. 

I come from Australia, the good old land down under. We live here today, on the coast of New South Wales.  

The eight of us (Myself, Annabelle, Georgia, Wendy, Madeline, Jordan, Alexandria and June) were all expected to be pretty girly girls who just adored dresses and pink and ribbons and.... Eurgh. 

Good luck shoving me in anything pink, let alone a dress. It's like trying to blow a balloon up and shoving an echidna inside and not expecting it to pop.  

All the others lived to their standards, gushing over the latest fashions and buying the pinkest dresses and staring me down when I wore just jeans, a top and a jacket, tying my hair into a messy ponytail and not take longer than two minutes hogging the bathroom. 

School mornings are a nightmare with the others, screaming at each other to get out of the bathroom, accusing each other of who had taken all the shampoo and etcetera.  

Can't say I would miss it all if I left. 

Shane and Amanda looked down on me every morning before I went to school, sighing disapprovingly. 

I wasn't even sure why they kept me. My real parents sure didn't want me, they left me at the hospital before even giving me a name.  

If I were to meet the bastards today, they'd end up in a hospital themselves all alone.  

Just because I'm a girl, don't under estimate my strength. I may not look it but I'm one of the strongest in the whole school, yet I'm only 15 (16 in only three days).  

I also look nothing like any of my sisters.  

I chopped my once long brown hair to only my shoulders about a month ago and it's already almost halfway down my back. My skin is pale (which makes me think one of my real parents was atleast part albino. My eyes were a deep brown that had a habit of turning black when I was annoyed, angry, or was face to face with someone I did not like (whom usually ended up with a bloody nose momens later).  

I absolutely hated pink! Everything about it made me want to puke. It was a color that suited nothing. My favourite color was red. Red was a color that made you seem dangerous, like a wasp.  

I was the girl that, at school, avoided family, hung out in the library at lunch and if someone tried to mess with me, BAM!  

I was good at all my classes especially PE. I could outrun anybody by a long distance, double the amount of anybody's sit ups and push ups without breaking a sweat and lift heavier weights than the big bulky PE teach Mr. Brown a few months back.  

The house was world war 3 as it always was on Monday. The girls were screaming at each other to get their butts out of the bathroom.  

I stayed to my own room and threw on a pair of jeans and a baggy red shirt before chucking on my legendary baseball cap for the sox.  

I pulled my ponytail out the small hole in the back and grabbed my school bag, bolting down the stairs. 

"Hey Shane, Amanda," I mumbled through a piece of toast stick in the mouth. They both said their good mornings and Amanda handed me my lunch in a small plastic container.  

I had to go to a different school to the other girls. They all went to an all girls school about an hour away. I had been expelled three days in.  

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