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"Dean, PLEASE!" I begged. "I really really really really really want it!"

"No!" Dean said firmly.

"Dean, please!"

"I said no!"


"It's mine!"

I sighed. "Are we going to have to do this the hard way?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, just let me eat my pie in peace."

"But I made it! I just want one slice, you've already had 5 pieces!"

"Yes, and I intend to have the whole thing!" Dean said, rolling his eyes at me. "And stop trying to threaten me with 'the hard way.'"

"Deeeeeeeeeeeean!" I whined.

"Nope." Dean said.


"Sammy, can you do that thing when you make her less annoying?" Dean asked with a slight smile.

"Noooooooo!" I squealed as Sam picked me up and tickled me. I giggled. "Stohohohop it!"

"She won't bug you any more." Sam said with a grin as he put me down. "You're free to eat your pie."

"But I thought you were on my side, Sammy!" I said with a smile.

"I was, when you were a toddler, and Dean would refuse to tell you bedtime stories. It was me, every single night." Sam laughed. "Remember?"

"Ugh. Yes." Dean said with his mouth full of pie. "Mmmmmm...."

"He's rubbing it in!" I complained.

"Sammy?" Dean asked.

"Don't do it!" I squealed. "I just want some pie!"

"You know what, Paige?" Sam said with a grin. "Me too."


That was so long ago. I barely remember it, but for some reason that memory keeps popping into my head. But my time with the Winchesters was over.

"Get back to work!" My boss shouted at me. "That's the second time today! Make it three and you're dead!"

"Yes sir!" I shouted and went back to my tedious job of flipping through a notebook, trying to find clues about the Winchesters. That's what made it so bad. My boss had no idea that the brothers he was trying to kill had once been my babysitters, in a sense. It was complicated. I couldn't find anything. But I knew if I went to my boss empty handed, he would kill me in an instant.

"Can't find anything?" My partner Kennedy asked.

"Nothing." I muttered. "Not a single clue."

"Come on, Paige." Kennedy said. "You know if we go to Crowley empty-handed he'll kill us both."

"But what else are we supposed to do?" I asked annoyingly. "This is impossible. This is worthless!"

"Problem?" Crowley's voice asked. I spun around, my eyes furious and my teeth clenched.

"No, we're fine." I said in a low voice.

"I'm sorry about her, Your Majesty. We are making progress." Kennedy said. "Both of us have been working very hard. I think she's just tired."

"I can help her sleep." Crowley said without a smile. "I can put her to sleep forever."

"She's actually a big help to us." Kennedy said quickly. "She... She has..."

"Have you found anything?" Crowley asked me.

"Yes!" I said quickly. "Yes, of course, but I... just need... one more clue... until I can figure this out."

Crowley strikes his beard. "Right... keep working, ladies. I didn't buy you for nothing."

"Yes, Your Majesty." We answered in sync. He walked away. We turned around and stared working again.

"You were dead, Paige." Kennedy remarked. "How about a thank you?"

"How about you go screw yourself?" I replied.

"Fine! I won't save you next time, and Crowley will kill you for sure." Kennedy said angrily.

"I don't need your help, Kennedy." I said, rolling my eyes. "You were sold to Crowley 2 weeks ago. I've been here for a year and a half, surviving without you. He hasn't killed me yet, and he won't kill me now."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that, Paige. You're awfully angry today, and I'm surprised you're not dead."

"Surprised and happy, Kennedy. You need me." I responded. "I know you've been plotting your escape. If you turn on me, I might just tell Crowley."

"You bitch." Kennedy groaned. I looked up and saw Crowley staring at us, so I quickly started flipping pages again.

"I don't know what it's going to take, Paige. I've tortured you in Hell, I've threatened you, yet you still can't do what I've told you!" Crowley shouted for everyone to hear.

I looked at Kennedy. She stuck out her middle finger at me, rolled her eyes, and turned towards Crowley.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, but Paige here has just found the last clue." Kennedy informed him. "She knows where the Winchesters are."

"Damn you, Kennedy!" I muttered quietly.

"If what you're saying is true, then show me the clue, Paige." Crowley said, stepping down next to me. "Where are the Winchesters?"

I looked down. "They are in Kansas City, sir."

"How do you know?" Crowley yelled. "There is no proof! Liars are ALWAYS PUNISHED!" Crowley grabbed Kennedy's arm along with mine and pulled us to his torture chambers.

"I didn't do anything!" Kennedy gasped.

"Yes, you lied to me. Liars get punished!" Crowley shouted, snapping his fingers. Kennedy disappeared in smoke.

"Finally she's gone." Crowley murmered. "Now what to do with you..."

"You're... considering not killing me?" I asked, shocked.

"No, I'm not going to kill you, Paige." Crowley said matter-of-factly. "You have an anger, a passion, and a strength for finding people, especially the Winchesters, hm?"

"What?" I gasped.

Crowley chuckled. "I won't kill you, Paige. Did you know that nobody, except you, has survived with me for more than 6 months? You have survived for a year and a half, and look at you now."

"I don't understand, Your Majesty."

Crowley smiled. "You can call me Crowley. Now tell me, why are you seeking revenge on the Winchesters?"

"Wait, What?!?" I gasped. "You, you're not making any sense! I, I can call you Crowley? I'm seeking revenge?"

Crowley's smile grew even wider. "Yes, I know you are shocked, but please save that for another day. The point is, we are going to find the Winchesters without all my other useless employees. We are going to find them together."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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