he's simply sweet.

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ok my first try hope you all love it.

angela's pov

hmm I can't believe this I'm actually in germany with my friends for vacation. were in berlin, my parents are actually ok with it I guess it's because I'm turning 18 this week. my parents ae such control freaks I feel as if I'm in a jail cell so this is my chance to have freedom for once.

"hema woud you please help me unpack and where did jade go?" uh I don't know she said she was just goibg to get something for us to eat but it is almost an hour. oh. " angela look she's coming can you just get te door! yeah sure. "hey guys " wow smeone is happy what happened? "lol I think the cakes I bought are to die for" "lol your crazy!" shut up hema! lol would you two just quit it! fine!! they both said loudly. "let's just settle in and then we can go out tonight ok!" hema said and jade and I both replied ok sis. we are all bff's its been that way sing the starting of high school.

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