The Beast With A Uke,And The Beauty With A Crush (Christofer Drew Ingle){o2}

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I walked down the stairs, with my headphones in.

I still haven't gotten over that I didn't meet Christofer at the concert, but that's life, you get disappointed.

I saw my mom and dad. My mom was crying, and my dad was trying to console her. I took out my headphones, and walked over to them.

"What's wrong?"I asked, worried.

"Oh, honey,"My mom cried.

"Mom, what's wrong?"I asked, sitting, beside her, on the couch. She just cried out.

"Dad, what is it?"I asked. He looked at me, with sad eyes.

"Tell me!"I demanded.

"Honey, yo-your Grandma, you know, she was very sick...."My dad trailed off.

"What?"I asked, not getting the picture. He just sat there, waiting. It finally sunk in.

"No. No, no, no. No, it can't-No! She's not..."I trailed off. He nodded, and my mom cried out, again.

"What?! Please, no,"I murmured.

I was so close, with my Grandma, she was my role model.


I jumped up, from the couch, and ran up to my room. I slammed the door, behind me, and fell on my bad, crying my eyes out.

There was a knock on my door.

"Come in,"I said, in a weird voice, from crying.

My dad walked in, and sat on my bed.

"Honey, I'm so sorry, about your Grandma,"He said. I just stared at the wall.

"Well, you know she had a diner?"He asked. I nodded. Of course I did.

"Well, since she owned the diner, and now, there is no owner, me, you, and your mother have to go and work, at her diner, all this Summer."

I was shocked.

"No,"I said.

I wasn't planning, on leaving my friends, this Summer.

"Honey, please, try and understand, you don't want all your Grandma's hard work, in the diner, to go to waste, do you?"He asked. I shook my head.

"Me and your mom don't either. So, pack up. We have to leave tomorrow, okay?"He asked.

I nodded, reluctantly. He nodded, kissed my forehead, and walked out.

I had packed everything I needed, this Summer, and went to see my mom. I opened her door, and she was laying on the bed, face down. I walked over, and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Hey, mom,"I said.

She sat up. Her face was streaked, with mascara that had ran, from her tears, and her eyes were red and puffy. I'm sure I looked the exact same.

"Hey, honey,"She said.

"I'm sorry, about Grandma,"I said, tearing up.

"Oh, so am I, honey. So am I,"She said, hugging me.

I hugged her back, tightly, and we stayed like that, for a while.

"Bye, guys,"I said, to my friends.

They came over the morning I was leaving.

"Bye,"They all said, tearing up. I hugged them all, then went to the car, where my parents were waiting for me.

"Okay, I'm ready,"I said, closing the car door. My dad nodded, and started the car.

I looked out the window, as I kissed this little town goodbye.

I turned on my iPod, and flipped it on Shuffle.

I just realized that I've never been to my Grandma's house, or diner. I mean, I've heard all about it, but I don't even know where it is.

I never visited her, she always came to see me.

I looked up, at my mom, to ask her, but her and dad were talking. I didn't want to interrupt. Well, I'll find out, when I get there.

I layed my head back, and fell asleep.

"Honey, wake up. Jade, we're here,"I felt someone shaking me awake. I lifted my heavy eyelids.

"I'm up, Dad. I'm up,"I said, to him. He smiled. I got out, and got my stuff.

Then, followed my mom, who was already walking in the house.

Wow, this is such a cute house.

It was yellow, had white shutters, and a white door. But, even though it was pretty, it felt so vacant. I walked in the house, and looked around.

To my right was the den, and to the left was a kitchen.

"Your room is up the stairs, and to the right,"My mom said. I nodded. I walked up the stairs, and turned to the right. I sighed, and opened the door.

It was light green, with white trim. It had a huge window to the left of my bed, that was covered with brown curtains.

I sat my suitcase down, on my bed, and started unpacking. I opened the closet, it was empty. So, I started putting my clothes in there, I put my shoes below my clothes, and everything else in my dresser drawers. Then, I put my iPod dock on the nightstand, beside my bed. And, last, I put my dream catcher that my Grandma gave me, when I was three.

I sat on my bed and looked around.

This is going to be my room all Summer, and I think I like it.

I walked down the steps, and it smelled like my Grandma, everywhere.

She smelled like cookies, and vanilla.

Tears immediately filled my eyes, and threatened to spill over.

"Hey, mom, dad, I'm going for a walk,"I yelled.

Someone yelled back a reply, but I was long gone.

I walked briskly up the sidewalk, for about ten minutes before I came up to a gas station. I walked in, grabbed a water, and went to the cash register.

"A dollar-fifty, please,"The man said.

I handed him two dollars, and said, "Keep the change." Something caught my eye. I grabbed a map, of the town, and walked out.

I opened my water, and took a sip.

Then, I looked at the map, and stopped dead, in my tracks.

In big, bright letters, at the top of the map, read,

"Welcome, To Joplin, Missouri."

Oooooh! Haaa xD So, I am EXTREMELY excited, about this story. I have so many ideas for it! Yay!! I'm so so so soooo excited!!!!! Did I mention that? Okay, so do you guys want to know, where to go to see, like....When I'm about to update a story? Or, working on one? Or, stuff like that? Well, I have a blog! Yay! It's mostly, about what's going on, in my life, I'll try to update it everyday. Or, more!! And, when somethings going on, with a story, no matter what, I'll put it there! Here's the link:

Go check it!!!

So, please comment!!! I truly appreciate it!!!!!

Love ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2010 ⏰

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The Beast With A Uke,And The Beauty With A Crush (Christofer Drew Ingle){o2}Where stories live. Discover now