Who are you? (Chapter 1)

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Hello, I'm Zanriah Rose Morenduer. I am an average lower class-men high school student, Sophomore to be precise, although I do have more problems then others it is tolerable. I am in a few clubs like archery, fencing, and a few other's. It helps take my mind off of things and keeps me occupied. I don't have many friends just a few people I talk to during class if i'm bored. This story bout how my life went from zero to a hundred in a few days. Anyway it starts off with me walking home from school, club just got out.

I'm walking along the side walk in my attempt to reach home but i get rudely interrupted by some Freshmen, i think. My music is still playing loudly on my speaker as she falls, out of no where, in front of me.

"Um, hello? You need some help?" I ask as i extend my hand forward.

"U-uh..." She mumbles. I give her a smile to reassure her. She uses my hand to stand up, seemingly gathering confidence.

"So what's your name? You must be new." I concluded.

"Um, no. I-I came here to find y-you actually..." She mumbles.

"Me? Um okay, well what do you need?" I ask.

"I need for you to follow me, there is something you need to see. For you to believe of course." She says and walks into the building, the doors aren't locked just yet so we just can.

"Why should i follow you if you don't even attend my school? How do i know your not some kid that is trying to kill me or some shit like that?" I ask as i follow along.

"Well you're following me are you not? Face it your curious." She says confidently, i could basically hear the smirk in her voice.

"W-well i guess you have a point..." I say and look down as i follow obediently. After a minute of walking she stops.

"We are here." I turn to the door to see the one of two class rooms that are off limits.

"I'm not exposed to go in there you know. What is in there that i need to see?" I ask.

"Well have you ever wondered why it is off limits? Come on, you wont regret it..." She says and mumbles something after it.

"Uh, okay, sure.." I say. She opens the door and we walk in. It's a normal looking classroom, and surprisingly clean. Why is this room off limits? I mean there is always rumors but i choose to ignore them.

"Okay, i recommend you don't freak out." She says calmly. As i was about to question her a magic portal thing pops up out of no where. As i stand shocked, not believing what's infront of me.

"Wh-whoa... What is that..?" I ask in bewilderment.

"It's a cross between dimensions. You know, like a portal. By the way it's completely safe," She adds. I nod my head slowly, still trying to process what just happened.

"This is so fucking weird... Who are you?" I ask, staring at her in confusion and curiosity.

She just gives me a smile and says confidently, "A advanced human of course. Think of it like a parallel universe. Now come on, there is a reason I brought you here after all!" She says and pulls me into the portal thing. We enter what looks like a hallway, but more magical? Like it came straight out of a movie or book. "My name is 98290. Well, you can call me Tasia (Tay-sh-ya) in my world we are given numbers. Its up to your parents if you get a name, mine is Anastasia (Anna-stay-sh-ia)." I nod. "I'm Zanriah Rose Morenduer (Zan-re-ah) (More-en-due-er)." I say proudly. I always hope that one day in the future I will make a name for myself, so I always tell my name like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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