Milky Is Pregnant??!

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It was a normal day in AKB48 theater. The members were doing rehearsal like usual. The senbatsu members were practicing akb's new song. When  suddenly....

Milky : Sayaka!!! (calling Sayanee out of nowhere)

*Sayanee approached Milky*

Sayanee : Eh?! Milky, why are you late? Everyone's  already practicing since an hour ago.

Milky : I need to tell you something... *nervous*

Sayanee : Tell me what? Are you okay? *worry gaze*

Milky: *whisper*   Actually.... I'm pregnant.

Sayanee : "Haaah??? Who's the father?! Tell me! Let me give him a kick on the balls!!! *super dramatic reaction*

Milky :  *pout* Mou, do you really think I've slept with someone else? Sayaka, baka! (Milky hit Sayanee's chest)

Sayanee : How do you get pregnant if you haven't slept with a guy, huh??  *rising her eyebrow*

Milky : I don't know. But you're the only one that ever put something inside me, so you have take the responsibility! (Milky angrily pointing her finger at Sayanee).

Sayanee : Yeah, but that "something" isn't exactly the right equipment to make babies though.

Milky: *shout* Fine then. If you don't want to be responsible, I'm breaking up with you!!! *fuming*

*gasp* Everyone were shocked by Milky's statement

Mayu, Yuki, Jurina, Rena and Takamina walked toward the pair.

Jurina : Sayanee, what did you do??

Sayanee : I didn't do anything!

*intense glare*

Sayanee : *gulp* Well, Milky told me that she's pregnant and-


Takamina : Sayanee you...

Yuki and Rena : Tako!!!

Mayu: *sparkling eyes* How did you get Milky pregnant? You have to tell meh!!! (Mayu shook Sayanee's body vigorously)

Yuki : Mayu... *blush*

Sayanee : I didn't-

Jurina lifted Sayanee by her shirt

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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