My Vampire Love

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“Jenifer,” my mom said through the phone in a voice that worried and scarred me. “Honey you need to come home now. Someone is already on the way to get you from school so get your stuff ready.”

“Mom . . .” I hesitated wondering if I should ask. “What’s going on? What happened? Is dad okay?” Panic was starting to over take me now. What if something had happened to my dad?

“Honey just come home and we’ll talk,” I heard her sigh and then the phone went dead. I closed my eyes, saying a silent pray while waiting for the secretary to announce that I was needed in the office.

It was a full fifteen minutes before I heard the announcement overhead and I shot up off my seat and ran out of the classroom as if I were on fire. I pulled open the office door and ran straight into the body of someone – a guy. Suddenly, I was falling back and then I was floating mid-air.

I opened my eyes, not realizing when I had closed them. For a second I thought that maybe I was dreaming or I had hit my head falling and was dead, because inches from my face, was another face. One that was more beautiful than humanly possible, one that should not exist outside dreams or Heaven.

His warm golden brown eyes bored into my frozen ones and stunned me even more that I thought possible. He was warm and soft and yet strong and firm. His hair was dark and he had fair perfect skin that stood out against his hair. He seemed to be around my age or maybe a little older. I was so close to him that I could smell him as if I were in his clothes.

God, he smelled good - like sunshine and sea breeze. Well at least if the sunshine and sea breeze had a scent, they would smell the way he did. That was the image that came into my mind when I breathed him in – midday or early morning at a calm tropical, blue watered beach, with the breeze blowing gently at your face and through your hair.

I shook my head trying to overcome the confusion that was becoming so thick I would soon need a map to get out of it. Luckily, it worked and my first thoughts were to thank this kind and lovely stranger for saving me from the embarrassment of falling on my ass and never see him again.

“Um,” I smiled awkwardly “you can . . . let me go now.”

The most breath-taking and dazzling smile lit his face and eyes as he straightened both himself and me in one motion. “I think you mean ‘Thank you for saving me from dying of utter humiliation,” he smirked.

“Yes,” I began smoothening my clothes and taking a step away from him. “Well thanks . . . and bye.” I began to walk pass him. When I was a few steps away from him, something soft and warm yet firm wrapped around my wrist, preventing me from going any further. Immediately I turned around suddenly pissed at him. “What?” I snapped.

Because he was hot, didn't mean he could go around grabbing people. He was probably one of those idiot guys that went around thinking they could have anything because they looked like a God. I hated people like that. I bet he was rich too. I didn't have time for this right now, I needed to get home.

“I didn’t get your name,” he smiled and released my wrist letting it drop to my side.

“That’s because I didn’t give it,” I replied sending him daggers.

“Why?” he questioned.

“I don’t see the point of you knowing my name since we’re never going to see each other after today, but considering the fact that you saved me from ‘utter humiliation’ and all that, my name is Jen.”

A frowned suddenly appeared on his face and the smile died instantly. He was abruptly confused and taken back. He looked like he was staring at a ghost. Before I could ask anything, he opened his perfectly sculpted lips, but nothing came out. Finally after a full minute of him standing there, silently gapping at me and my wondering if he was crazy he said “You – you’re Jen? Your name is Jenifer Lawrence?”

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2014 ⏰

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