5.cuddles and regrets

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"I'll be right back" Harry said before walking out the door.
His bed was king size and the room was clean and simple. I made my way to the bed and placed myself under the covers looking around and zooming out with my own thoughts.
"Don't fall asleep or stay the night Yaz you don't even know him that well and do you really wanna get hurt like all of your other friends? Yeah no exactly"   

My thoughts got interrupted by Harry walking in and I don't even know how but he somehow looked even more fine than before and I knew that it was gonna be hard to resist the urge to cuddle and sleepover, but I knew that it was the best thing to do.

"Ready?" Harry asked with a small smile
"Yess" I answered a little distant since I was caught off guard by the breakage of silence.
"Come here" he said motioning form me to come closer and that is just what I did. We where almost cuddling with minimum space in between us he started the movie and soon the minimum space between us was gone and I was running my hands through his hair while watching the movie.

1.5 Hours later
We have been watching the movie for a while now and about 10 minutes into the movie we started to cuddle. I felt like someone or more exactly Harry was looking at me and I looked to the side and boy I was right. Before I even had the chance to ask why he was looking at me and not the movie, his lips crushed into mine. This kiss was a little more agressive and passionate and soon he was hovering over me. I put my right hand to his chest and the other one was fisting his shirt. He started to caress my thighs and before I knew it his hand was cupping my right breast making me moan softly before pulling away since I didn't want this to go further.

"Mhm I really need to go home" I said a little out of breath.

"Oh yeah sure let's go" he said with a little disappointment in his voice.

Two days later
Since I didn't have work today I woke up around 11 and got ready to go grocery shopping since I knew that my fridge was empty. I made my makeup since I had really bad bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep during the last two weeks and put on a grey sweat-set

 I made my makeup since I had really bad bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep during the last two weeks and put on a grey sweat-set

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Since the grocery store I liked was about 30 minutes away I decided to take the car. I drove by Harry's flat on the way to the grocery store and the events that occurred a couple of days ago started to go through my mind which left me with a tingling feeling. As I was pulling up at the parking lot   I let go of my naughty thoughts and started to do what I was here for.
Time skip 1 H
I didn't know that I needed so much food and home stuff. I took me 1 whole hour to shop and I had way to many bags. I made my way to my car with the shopping trolley since I by no chance could carry all those bags when I heard someone call my name. I turned my head and saw Harry walking towards me and my stomach instantly started to produce butterflies.

He started to jog a little until he got to me and pulled me into a hug

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He started to jog a little until he got to me and pulled me into a hug.
" I haven't really heard from you since last time" he said looking down at me
" yeah sorry bout that I've just been busy with work and stuff" which wasn't really a lie but not completely true since I only work to 4 pm.
"Oh I understand" he said and I knew what he wanted to ask so I just said it
"But if you're not busy now we can hang out at mines and I can finally cook for you" I said and was hoping for him to say yes
"Yeah sure" he simply said and followed me to my car since I guess he walked here since his flat is only 5 minutes away from the store.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2020 ⏰

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