The Secret

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(Y/N p.o.v.)

Me and Niall are best friends. We all live in the same house and get along perfectly. The boys all know i have a deep crush on Niall and they have all told me to tell him but I'm scared on how he would react. One day i decided i would tell him and got into a room with him.

Niall: "what is it (Y/N), you ok?"

Me: "yea im fine, but i want to tell you something i have kept from you for a while now..."

Niall: "what is it?"

I told him how i felt about him, hes face had a shocked look.

Niall: "...(Y/N)... I dont know what to say, you're sweet, fun and a whole other stuff but its just-"

Me: "i know, you don't need to say anything"

I went down stairs upset and sat on the couch, Liam and Zayn came and sit next to me.

Liam: "what happened? Did u tell him?"

Me: " i did, but it went like i expected to be"

Zayn: "im sorry mate"

Me: "its fine, i think im gonna go back home tho"

Liam: "what? Why? Dont leave, this is your house too"

Zayn: "yea"

Me: "thanks but i dont want to make it uncomfortable for Niall or any of you"

Liam: "you won't make any one here uncomfortable, dont leave"

Me: "im sorry, i already made the decision, ill call a taxi tomorrow"

Louis overheard the conversation and came in the living room.

Louis: "what? No (Y/N) you can t leave!"

Zayn: "he's right, you can't leave"

Me: "Louis, Zayn im sorry, but i cant stay here"

I didn't see Niall all day, i spent most of the time packing. The next day i took my bags and say goodbye to the boys exept Niall who was still locked in his room.

Harry: "have a nice trip and come back soon to visit us"

Louis: "yea, you better come see us"

Me:" dont worry i will and sorry that im leaving like this"

I gave goodbye hugs to every one and got in the taxi that was takin me to my parents place, on the way i was quiet, and my eyes started watering, then my phone rang and it was Liam.

"You still have time to regret it, just turn around -L"

"No i cant stay."

"Well, we better see each other again soon, or at least call or text. -L"

"Of course dummy :)"

(Niall p.o.v.)

I finally decided to get out of my room, it was stupid what i have told (Y/N) i should of sayd i felt the same way that moment but like always i messed it up. When i got downstairs i saw Liam in the kitchen.

Me: "hey Li, where's (Y/N)?"

Liam: "(he/she) left"

Me: "what do you mean (he/she) left?"

Liam: "(he/she) went back home"

Me: "WHAT?"

Liam: "yes he left because he didint want to make you feel uncomfortable"

Me: "im so stupid!"

Liam: "why?"

Me: "i should have told (him/her), God im such a dumb ass!"

Harry heard my screams and went downstairs.

Liam: "what do you mean?"

Niall: "i love (him/her) back and i said i didint"

Harry: "you right, your a dumb ass!" he said with a frown on his face

Liam: " if you want to get (him/her) back, (his/her) parents house is like an hour away , go look for (him/her)!"

Harry: "yes, get your butt in the car and go!"

Me: "I will"

Harry/Liam: "GO!"

I got in my car and drove up to (Y/N) parents place, but went i knocked on the door (Y/N) dad told me (he/she) was not home, i thought that i was never gonna see (him/her) again. I went back to the house and when i got in the house i saw Zayn coming down the stairs.

Zayn: "hey Ni"

I went to hug him and we walked to the living room, my eyes started to blur by the tears.

Me: " i lost (him/her) forever Zayn"

He didint respond and i looked at his face witch had a smile.

Me: "why are you smiling?"

Zayn: "look"

I turned to see and saw (Y/N) standing their. I ran to (him/her) and gave him a big hug with tears on my eyes.

Me: "i thought you left, i thought i have lost you forever"

(Y/N): "we'll im here"

Me: "but how?

(Y/N): "i got a call from Liam, telling me what you said"

I hugged him even harder and promised myself not to let (him/her) go.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2014 ⏰

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