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"Are you sure you're ok?"
Lollipop sits with Barf Bag in her living room. Ever since Barf Bag had gotten sick, Lollipop was the only one to show up and care, despite thinking her brain was infected.
Barf Bag continues covering her mouth as she coughs uncontrollably, nodding as she does so. "I-I'm Fine. I-i promise it's not my Barf."
Lollipop actually nods sincerely and blushes. She has been secretly hiding feelings for Barf Bag, but was too scared to tell.
"Here, I'll help you to bed." Lollipop picks Barf Bag up bridal style, carrying her and putting her to bed. Although she was asleep, Lollipop didn't risk a kiss. Barf Bag was too sick.

Around 2 AM, Lollipop woke up to loud coughing. She runs upstairs to Barf Bag's room to find Barf Bag coughing up tons of blood.
"Oh my fucking Loser!"
Lollipop picks Barf Bag up. "It's ok. We're going to the ER. You're okay."
Barf Bag only coughs.
Lollipop rushed Barf Bag to the ER.
After what seemed like forever, Lollipop finally got answers from Test Tube.

"It seems like Barf Bag has a serious infection. And she has a very very slim chance of living."

Lollipop looks at the papers, obviously shocked.

Diagnosis: Neurological Infection

Chance Of Death: 94.5%

Just One Dance: A Lollibag FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now