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Yuuri smiled as he slipped a note into Viktor's small bag that they took to the skating rink.

He has planted two already, and this last one sealed the message.

Yuuri giggled and zipped the bag up as Viktor walked down the stairs.

"Ready love?"He asked softly.Yuuri nodded and handed him his bag.Viktor kissed his head softly as they walked out.

The house seemed quite and empty without Makkachin..but they got used to it.

The neighbors dogs and cats always seemed to lighten the mood when they were feeling sad.

Pippa, their neighbors golden retriever, barked at them as they passed.

Yuuri giggled and waved.Viktor chuckled and held him close.They arrived at the ice rink and walked in.

"I'll be right back"Yuuri said with a small giggled and walked off to change.

Viktor chuckled softly and waved.He opened his bag to pull out skate guards and picked up the small sticky note stuck on them.

The house seems empty with only 1 or 2, but wouldn't it be more complete with a three?

We'll see at the ultrasound <33

Viktor's eyes widened as he read the note.His heart beated faster as a million thoughts ran through his head....

He was going to be a father....

He smiled brightly and stuffed the note into his coat pocket."Yuuri~ my love where are you?~"

Viktor walked over to the locker rooms and looked in.

Yuuri covered his mouth and giggled softly as he hid behind a wall.

Viktor walked in further and looked around."Yuuuuuurri-"

Viktor was cut off when Yuuri jumped onto his back, giggling softly.He nuzzled Viktor and calmed down.

"Did you see it?"He asked happily.Viktor nodded slowly."Yes, and I'd like some explaining"He chuckled and set Yuuri down.

Yuuri giggled more and took out the small pregnancy test.He handed it slowly to Viktor and smiled softly.

Viktor looked at the small plastic stick and smiled.He pulled Yuuri into a tight hug and nuzzled him.

"I can't wait my love~"


Fyoder waited for his servant to come back with the news he so wanted to hear.He was extremely weathly, owned a huge house, tons of land...

And was the father of the world's greatest ice-skater...

The timid knock echoed as the digital worker, Selena, came back with papers.

"Come in"Fyoder's loud and booming voice called out in the large office.Selena slowly walked into the room.

"What did you find out about him"He growled darkly, tapping his pen impatiently.

She yelped, and almost dropped the papers."Uh sir, I was able to get a couple paragraphs about Mr.Leroy and the other one"She sqeaked.

Fyoder held his palm out for the stack of papers and she cautiously layed them down in the hand.

"Get out"Fyoder growled as he rummaged through the papers.

Selena yelped and quickly walked out of the room.Fyoder continued to look through the papers and growled when he didn't find out what he was wanting.

He pulled the phone out and called the one person who seemed to know everything...who always knew the latest gossip...and the grooms  bride who's a whore..

"Isabella"He growled softly into the phone."Give the address of the Katuski's..."

I'm soooo sorry it's that short but I was saving up all the good shit for next chapter.

As continued we will see more song them first and I'll, idk do a shout out?


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