Chapter 1

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Lindsey's POV

I sat on the curb crying. I didn't know what to do or who to call anymore. "Excuse me," a voice said. "Oh sorry is this your car? I'll move" I wiped my tears and got up. "Wait are you okay?" He asked. I turned around to see a muscular guy with brown hair. A tear slipped and he pulled me into a hug. "He cheated on me," I said between sobs. The boy rubbed my back and comforted me. Once we pulled away he smiled and said, "I'm Quentin." I smiled gently and whispered, "I'm Lindsey." He smiled. "Beautiful name," he told me. I laughed and he asked if I needed a ride home. "I don't know if I want to go home," I put my head down. My parents have been fighting and it's not at all what I need right now. "Then come to my house," he shrugged and opened the Jeep door for me. "Are you sure?" I leaned against the open door. "Positive," He smiled and I noticed his braces for the first time. Once I got done gazing at him, I hopped into his car. As we drove to his house, I stared out the window and I could occasionally feel him looking over at me.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Quentin asked as he closed the front door behind us. "Whatever you want," I shrugged. He led me to his room and I stood there awkwardly. "You can have a seat on the bed," he pointed and grabbed his remote. I obeyed and sat down. Quentin plopped down next to me and he looked over at me. We decided on watching a funny movie because I needed to be cheered up, according to Quentin. During the movie, I yawned and Quentin laughed. "Tired, much?" He laughed. I giggled and said, "I didn't get much sleep last night." We stared at each other for a few seconds and he started to lean in. I slowly leaned in too and our lips connected. As we kissed, his dog jumped onto the bed and we pulled away. "Really Bella?" Quentin threw his head back. I laughed and pet the black lab. For the rest of the night, we cuddled with Bella and watched movies. My phone went off and I checked to see who it was.

*5 New Messages from Babyy*

I rolled my eyes and threw my phone down. Quentin grabbed it, did something, and put it back down. "What did you do?" I asked picking up my phone. "Blocked him," Quentin smirked. I laughed and thanked him. "I should really get going," I sighed and started to stand up. "Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" Quentin asked hopefully. "Don't you have school too?" I giggled and grabbed my purse. "No I do online school. I'm a YouTuber," He flashed his braces. "Well lucky you. I, on the other hand, have school," I sighed. "Then I'll pick you up after," he walked closer to me. I pretended to think when I already knew my answer. "Fine. You convinced me," I groaned. He flashed a cheeky smile and drove me home. Once I got home I immediately ran to my room to avoid my parents.

*The Next Morning*

I picked out a cute outfit knowing I would be going to Quentin's after school. "Hey Lindsey. Wait up," Clay shouted. I smiled and he ran up to me. "Hey Clay, what's up?" I smiled. He furrowed his brows. "You seem oddly okay for a girl whose boyfriend cheated on her," he stopped in the hallway. "My friend helped me through it. Derek was a jerk anyway," I told him. Clay nodded and snaked his arm around my waist. "I thought you'd never figure that out," I laughed and leaned into him. Clay and I walked to our first class and sat down in the back. I took everything I needed out and put my glasses on. I preferred sitting in the back, but then I need to wear my glasses which I hate. The next few periods felt like they went on for hours. Right now I had a lunch period, so I walked into the cafeteria. I stood away from everyone else and stared to tear up when I saw Derek kissing my best friend, Brooke. I rolled my eyes and walked to the nearest bathroom. "Hello?" A girl said when she walked in. I snapped out of my thoughts and realized I was crying. I looked in the mirror and quickly wiped my tears. The girl called after me as I walked very fast out of the bathroom. I sped through the hallways until I ran into someone. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," I shook my head and looked down. "Lindsey?" The guy said. I looked up and saw Derek's best friend. "Connor, I'm sorry," I brushed the hair out of my face. He looked sympathetic. "Brooke is ugly anyway," he shrugged. I laughed and sniffled. "She didn't even say anything to me about Derek and me breaking up," I rolled my eyes. Connor leaned against the locker and looked at his phone. "You wanna get out of here?" He asked. "I have someone picking me up at the end of the day," I told him. "Okay. Well it's fifth period now. How about I have you back by eighth," he smiled and wiggled his eyebrows. "Let's go," I sighed. He laughed and pulled me out the back door and to his car. When I got in I saw one of Derek's shirts on the front seat. I grabbed it and threw it in the back. "I have a bunch of stuff of his at my house," I ran my fingers through my hair. "Put it in boxes and leave it on his front step," Connor said backing out of his parking spot. I laughed and he smiled at me. "Ice cream, then your house," Connor informed me. "Why are we going to my house?" I shifted. Connor wasn't known to get with many girls, but he was in Derek's friend group and they're all pretty similar. "Well I have boxes in the back of my car, we can give Derek his stuff back," Connor looked at me then back at the road. "Oh," was all I said. Connor and I got ice cream then drove to my house. We ran up to my room and started loading up all of Derek's stuff. Connor taped the box shut and walked over to look at what I was doing. "Hope she was worth it." I wrote on a piece of paper and taped the necklace Derek gave me for our one year to the box. "Can we go to Derek's then back to school?" I asked Connor. He nodded and carried the box to his car. I left the box on his front step and got back in Connor's car. I rested my head on the headrest and closed my eyes. "You okay?" Connor cleared his throat. "We were together for a year and a half. And he threw it all away in a matter of seconds," I choked. Connor put his hand on my hand. "Let's just go back to school," I yanked my hand away and stared out the window. It took Connor a few seconds to start moving the car. Once we returned to school, I hopped out of Connor's car and started walking towards the building. "Lindsey, wait," Connor ran up next to me. "How long did you know?" I asked started to cry. "I didn't. I would've told you. Trust me I'm hurt too," Connor tried to reach for my arm. "You're hurt? Really? I didn't realize your boyfriend of almost two years cheated on you with your best friend and then lied about it," I screamed. By now people were starting to come outside since school was ending. "Lindsey, I..."Connor started. "You don't understand, Connor. No one does," I yelled and choked on my words. I started to walk away and Connor grabbed my arm. "Let go of me now," I gritted through my teeth. Connor's eyes started to fill with tears. "Please listen to me," He pleaded. I tried to pull my arm away, but his grip was too strong. "What's going on here?" Brooke ran up to me. Connor let go of my arm and I started to move away. "L, what's up?" Brooke looked at me like she did nothing wrong. "Don't talk to me," I was boiling with anger. Brooke giggled and started to walk towards me. "L, what are you talking about? People are staring," she smiled since everyone was crowded by now. "We are no longer best friends. I want absolutely nothing to do with you," I shoved her and she stumbled. I pushed my way through the crowd that had formed. I walked to the front of the school and saw Quentin's Jeep waiting for me. I hopped in and closed my eyes. "What's wrong?" He panicked. "Can we watch movies?" I smiled weakly at him. He nodded and drove to his house. I sat down on his bed and had no emotion at all. "My boyfriend and I were together for a year and a half. My best friend and I have been friends since I moved here in second grade. My boyfriend and my best friend had been hooking up behind my back for six months," I told Quentin. He hugged me and I cried into his shoulder. After a while of Quentin and I watching movies I started to fall asleep. Eventually I fell asleep with my head on Quentin's chest and his arm around my shoulder.

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